Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Babri demolition judgement: yet another nail in Indian democracy’s coffin

  Activists, feminists condemn Babri verdict, Demand for CBI appeal               Mumbai                     ...

Opinion: Police and Media: Role and Responsibilities

 Dr. Obaidur Rahman Nadwi Both the police and media, print as well as electronic, can play an important role in maintaining peace and enforcing law...

Whither Freedom of Press of India?

    Fr. Cedric Prakash Sj.   ‘World Press Freedom Day’ (3 May) in India is a day of reckoning: a time for  stock-taking and for soul-searching; to...

“Dainik Jagran” and Indian Muslims, is this journalism?

  India’s Hate Muslim Media Factory- Case Study of Hindi daily ‘Dainik Jagran’  Syed Ali Mujtaba India’s Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, once the world’s largest read...

Whosoever controls the media, controls the mind

  Syed Samiullah Hussaini.     Hyderabad Media is the source of presenting facts to the masses irrespective of any social, religious discremination, national and international boundaries.Media...

Democracy or hypocrisy in India?

Democracy is hypocrisy as long as 'Wall' of Shame exists in India Vidya Bhushan Rawat World's two 'biggest' and 'greatest' 'democracies are exhibiting their strength...

Saheen Bagh –a booster for Indian democracy

This  movement is an inspiration to understand peaceful democratic protests in India Vidya Bhushan Rawat  It is always inspiring to hear women at Shaheen Bagh...

Saheen baug symbol of democracy, unity of India

Ram puniyani. इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं कि हमारी दुनिया में प्रजातंत्र के कदम आगे, और आगे बढ़ते चले जा रहे हैं. विभिन्न देशों में...

26th January,”Save Constitution” in Constitutional way, Gujarat MLA Gyasuddin shaikh shows...

Muslims will read preamble of constitution, hoist tricolor and will take oath to safeguard democracy, unique idea to protest against CAA  By Abdul hafiz...