26th January,”Save Constitution” in Constitutional way, Gujarat MLA Gyasuddin shaikh shows the way


Muslims will read preamble of constitution, hoist tricolor and will take oath to safeguard democracy, unique idea to protest against CAA 

By Abdul hafiz lakhani   Ahmedabad

Anatomy of protest,shows the way now from Gujarat. state Congress’s senior MLA and firebrand leader Gyasuddin Shaikh has initiated new uniquely and creative but a revolutionary idea on this coming Republic day of India–26th January to protest against  CAA,  NRC and NPR  which is anti-poor, and anti–constitution. He appeals state Muslims to protest against this black law by abiding constitution of this great country. He asserted that this will be a constitutional way to save constitution. He accused that this law was discriminatory and disharmonious and would divide the people on the line of caste and religion.”

In a special face to face with GUJARAT SIYASAT–a Gujarati fortnightly and www.siyasat.net, he told that on every year, Muslims always celebrate both national festivals–15th August and 26th January with great fanfare and enthusiasm but this time Muslim community must celebrate coming 26th January,2020 with more vigor and vibrancy. At present, there is a threat on Indian constitution by CAA and NRC, so Indian people should protest against this laws in democratic and Gandhian way which is being guided by our rich constitution.
He further added that  The Citizenship (Amendment) Act has imperiled the nation’s constitutional values, and no one can afford to be silent. but we should not  go for any violence. protest must  be non–violent as our father of nation Gandhiji took this noble way against Britishers. This law is Anti-poor and against Muslims as well as all marginalized sections of society.“The government is spreading hatred and trying to divide people”, he added.

Dariyapur-Shahpur   MLA Mr. Shaikh narrated that  India’s secular structure faces a profound crisis. The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, must be rejected for three reasons. First, it is against the letter and spirit of our Constitution. Second, it is divisive, deeply discriminatory and violative of human rights. Third, it seeks to impose the politics and philosophy of Hindutva, with its vision of a “Hindu nation”, on our entire people and on the basic structure of our polity. Our constitutional values are in peril, and no person who has faith in our democracy can afford to be silent and uninvolved in what is happening around us.

On this coming 26th January, He informed that  all Muslims religious,social, educational and voluntary organisations have made up their mind  to make the event of republic day more memorable, joyful and extraordinary.They will hoist tricolour and read preamble  of constitution which gives   guarantees all its citizens fundamental rights to life, to dignity, to speech and expression, to education and information. people will recite national anthem with tricolour  with bottom of the heart and will take pledge  to save our constitution,secularism, and equality among the people.

Mr. Gyasuddin  Shaikh described  Delhi based Shaeen Bag protest as inspirational for all right thinking people of the country as this protest is peaceful and going ahead in a very disciplined way. women protesters have shown their maturity, patriotism and their commitment to fight against  fascist  forces to save constitution, secularism and idea of India.

He added that Indian economy is doll drums The fact that thousands and thousands students across the country, all religions, and communities have come out. There is a feeling of anger and fear in the minds of our students, weaker sections and farmers. The reason this fear exists is there is a complete failure on the economic front and on the employment front. India has lost key opportunities. Modi government is  busy with CAA, discussing everything except the main issue, which is joblessness and our economic strength. This is being destroyed.The government is dividing the nation and distracting the attention of people.

Mr. Shaikh said to Gujarat siyasat that there is an unprecedented turmoil in the country today. “The Constitution is being undermined and the instruments of governance are being misused.our four honorable judges had to address a press conference about the prevailing situation in the country. This shows the gravity of situation in this country. He said to siyasat.net  the “Modi-Shah government” stands totally exposed for its inability to govern and provide security to the people. “The NRC seems to have backfired in Assam. The Modi-Shah government is now focusing on the NPR (National Population Register) exercise that is scheduled to begin in a few months. Contrary to the assertions of the Home Minister, it is clear that this is being done to lead to a nationwide NRC,” he further argued that the real issue facing the country today is the collapse of economic activity, and slowing growth and development affecting all sections of society, especially the poor.

He alleged that all governments agencies like police,  and al  ED, CBI, IT are puppets of this government. even governors are not discharging their duties constitutionally, we just saw in Maharashtra.  Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari had violated the constitution. such drama was also happened in Karnataka.
In such scenario, we Indian people should fight against communalism, casteism, corruption,terrorism, and all other evils in democratic ways. on this 26th January– Muslims will take oath to fights these termites which are ruining the country.

highlights of  Preamble to the Constitution of India

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;