Whosoever controls the media, controls the mind



Syed Samiullah Hussaini.     Hyderabad

Media is the source of presenting facts to the masses irrespective of any social, religious discremination, national and international boundaries.Media don’t have any religion like democracy.Its a mirror which reflects the culture, tradition,ethics,values, discipline and advancement of a particular teristerial area and shows a perfect picture of “happenings” accross the globe and present the same in public interest as NEWS.
Analyse, interpretation, opinion,advice,debate, questions and counter-questions,expose,uncover, reveal and many such activities are like tools for providing clear picture behind the story for the better understanding of readers,listeners and viewers.
Media make the minds,set the trends,break the bullshit,mend the public behavior and control the crowd.Media is a communication industry which has brain and heart of it’s own by using which it procure and present the data and information.

Generally public take the news as it comes to them with out any cross check because they are pre occupied that media houses are certified agencies of editing, telecasting and broadcasting of the news items.
Public may have different mind sets on many different and diverse issues because members of public are not from same class and background.They may be educated, uneducated, professional, unprofessional,theist,atheist,urban, modern,rural and so on….
Media unify the ideas,trends,minds, behavior and reach the masses. Media houses are like benchmarks in communication industry.Media is expected to have high standards of morals and professional ethics.It, especially the electronic media run the narrative and stories for a large number of audience,each and every shot scriptted by media matters because it goes for millions of people at a time and may effect people’s mindset and idealogy too.
If media follow the norms and ethics of journalism and posses the courage of saying truth and condemn the evil then it can be said that media is a strong source of positive sociatal transformation.Media have all the rights to ask the questions and enquire the facts and phenomenon from all the walks of life and present the answers and findings in the form of news to the word,If media fail to follow the core ethics and principles of journalism then what would happen in this peaceful world.

*What if media fail to* *deliver it’s duty properly?*
* It may work like puppets in the hands of rich,influential rulers,chiefs,beaurucrats,political and corporate leaders.

*It may repeat the lie for unlimited times so that lie seems to be considered as truth.

*It may promote or demote the chosen political and religious idealogies.

*Democratic values likely to be taken for granted.

*Media persons will become richer and quality of news will be degraded,selected people will take the undue advantage through media.

*Big media houses will dominate the small news agencies like cable channels,web channels,Youtubers,local news papers etc.

*People with no or less credentials likely to hold important offices and posts in public and governance sectors because of their false propagenda in their favour through paid media.

*Public will be cheated 24/7 and there will be less news and more non-sense.

*It may become a source of entertainment and infotainment rather than presenting the pure news.

*News rooms will become court rooms, news anchors and editorial teams will become more judgemental and read out the stories scriptted by their bosses.

*News channels are more likely to become as sales executives who will sale out the selected idealogy from their desk.

*Social fabrics, universal brotherhood, mutual respect,morals and values of civilised societies will be destroyed and whole humanity will be in danger because of the evil intentions instilled by the the media among the innocent hearts and minds of masses because”Media control the masses”.

*Above penned points* *show some important* *threats to mankind on* *this planet by the paid* *and corrupt media,now* *readers can judge by* *their own that in which* *direction present day* *media is floating and* *what shall be the* *responsibility of a sincere* *reader or viewer if found* *any such* *sign and* *substance canvased by* *any media house.*

*What shall people do to make media more responsible and accountable?*
1.First file online or offline complain with the concern news agency /stake holder against the objectionable content.

2.Write in detail along with documentary evidences which may be in the form of news clips,visuals and recordings to the concern regulating authority and Ministery with a request to see the matter carefully and take necessary action against the violators.

3.Keep on giving honest feedback online and offline to the news agencies about their news, quality,context, language, gesture and posture of hosts etc.

4.Build public opinion on unethical Media houses and journalists and carved a way for legal fight through cases, defamation suits and Public Interest Litigation (PILs) in the court of law.

5.Unsubscribe the certain news channels and papers whom you and society feel that such agencies are unjust and busy in unhealthy practices and working on their hidden agenda for their vested interest and making you tense always on various issues. (www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad based website)

(Writer is based at Hyderabad. He can be reached at samimanuu@gmail.com.)