Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Two Indian Muslim Women With Blossoming Career Bring Glory To Community

  For the last decade, more Muslim women than men are going into higher education. Armed with the professional gold dust of a degree, such...

Holy qur’an allows no cherry picking, Total submission to divine order:...

Read it and follow it. Understand it and put it to practice,” he said. “The Qur’an is not meant to be kept on a...

Post Corona; What should be the road map for Indian Muslims?

  Asad Mirza. The Indian Muslim community has borne stoically the political events of the last one-year. It has conscientiously ignored many legal...

AMP launches crowdfunding platform to connect Zakat donors to Zakat seekers

     Mumbai. Amid the Covid – 19 crisis, Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), Mumbai based NGO, launched, a unique...

Negligible allocation for minorities in Gujarat budget

By Abdul hafiz lakhani     Ahmedabad   Gujarat’s civil rights organization, Minority Coordination Committee (MCC) has regretted that the state government, in its budget for 2020-21,...

New education policy–gate of saffron agenda

By Syed Ali Mujtaba. The ‘New Education Policy’ that is currently vetted through the Fifty-five Page draft document by the Central government was critically...

Babri case,Muslim leaders must introspect nurturing community

Since the 1990s, the primary impulse for Muslims has been ‘survival’, not ‘existence’  By Abdulhafiz lakhani    Ahmedabad  After recent Babri Masjid Verdict by SC, Muslims...

Empowerment of Indian Muslims in all aspects Is Need Of Hour

“मुल्‍क के मौजूदा हालात में हमारी रणनीति”    हमारी औरतें जो आबादी का आधा हिस्‍सा हैं अर्थात् हमारा आधा सरमाया भी हैं और आधी ताक़त भी।   (कलीमुल...

Will Muslim community stop baseless ritualism and extravagance in marriages?                                        RASHEED KIDWAI A sensible  Muslims...

Hanifa School shines, 14 students get tremendous result in ICAI 

By Abdul hafiz lakhani        Baroda  Hanifa School is a co-educational CBSE affiliated School, located at Borsad in Anand  district of Gujarat once again...