Opinion: Guardians of the fallen system

The distrust among the masses for India’s system, for the core values of justice, equality, and liberty, is because of the boot-licker political opportunists
Sahil Kaushal siyasat. net

New Delhi :With so many things going on in India for last year and a half, from ‘thali bajana to gaali sunana’; from the uncles and aunties becoming Sherlock Holmes to solve a Bollywood murder mystery(which eventually turned to drugs network before going through narratives like nepotism and black magic) to increase in inhuman criminal activities, from defaming the farmers and literally fight with them to the politicians taking credit for the hard work of Olympians. Big media houses fought a war of words with our neighbors from their lavish studios, sometimes with poor graphics and their most significant source being WhatsApp University. Despite the pandemic, job losses, and price-hike, the political parties have been busy spreading their respective propagandas through so called prime time debates and election campaigns.

A couple of months back, we witnessed the even more dangerous mutant of the virus responsible for the massacre of umpteen innocent people. But wait, did people die because of COVID or mismanagement of the situation of crisis? Indeed, in challenging times like these, the political executives must take complete responsibility for the government’s actions. But far from taking responsibility, a narrative was built in the media that leaders did their job, but the bureaucrats and administrators failed to fulfill their duties. This highlights how the establishment uses administration as a shield to tackle the masses’ questions.

We all unanimously agree that the process of becoming a bureaucrat or an administrator in our country is one of the most hard-working and requires patience. And when people finally hold the office in the name of God, they swear to believe the values of the constitution and bear allegiance to it. Moreover, they add that they will faithfully do their respective services. But, the fact of the matter is that a few members of the elite bureaucracy have systematically failed to keep their oath and are also one of the biggest reasons for failing us as a society. And because of them, the reputation of the whole bureaucratic system is at stake.

The distrust among the masses for our system, for the core values of justice, equality, and liberty, is because of the boot-licker political opportunists. On the contrary, there is a whole league of those members of the system who are relentlessly performing their respective duties and have shown true allegiance to the constitution to protect the nation’s sovereignty and integrity. Most of those men’s and women’s dedication, sacrifices, and achievements we may never see or know in our lifetime. We make our judgments and perceptions based on what we see in the news and social platforms. Yes, we cannot deny that corruption and malpractices have started decaying our system’s backbone, but it doesn’t mean that every part or organ is affected by it. The point is, just because of a little fraction of dishonest, unprincipled, untrustworthy, and a moral representatives of the system, we should not label the whole system as corrupt and adulterated. The culprits must get humongous punishments for their disloyalty towards their oath and service to the people. By labeling every officer and executive by the same tag, we are just making things worse for those who have been doing their job honestly and have shown loyalty to the constitution and not to any political party.

After listening to the media reports and the masses’ reactions on social media, those women and men’s morale is shattered.

Moreover, the kids who aspire to be part of this fantastic complex bureaucracy do not align with it. This would result in the system getting more hollow from the inside as those who would govern the system would either be politically motivated or money-minded. So, just a simple request, just think before choosing your words. Our words are mighty, and our thoughts are even more vigorous. So, think critically and understand the problem; only after understanding the crux, we must judge.

To the bureaucrats,

You are permanent executives. You don’t have to woo the public with your false statements, malpractices, and promises like the political executives. It is high time to realize your powers and your role as law-abiding citizens as well as law-abiding officers. The masses have a massive distrust in the system. It would be best if you made things right before it’s too late.

“Satyameva Jayate” (truth alone triumphs) With this slogan, I am entrusting my values and faith in the constitution and my regards to those who, despite all the negativity around them in the system, are serving the people with the best of their physical and mental state.

(Author’s Bio – The author is based in New Delhi. A writer by profession who presents his commentary on political affairs. Views are personal)

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