Life of a teacher, Life as a teacher


On the eve of Teachers’ day Surat based educationalist Ms. Rehnuma R. Dadani Pens interesting and important aspects of this noble profession.  Surat (Gujarat)

We have all sat in classrooms and watched teachers when we were at school, but do you really know what a teacher does? While it’s a popular belief that teachers only work nine-to-three and have many more weeks of holidays than other professions, a teacher’s job is a challenging one that goes beyond the classroom.

Teaching is an exciting and rewarding career where you can help transform student lives through the delivery of quality education. A teacher’s role is never boring or repetitive, and includes the following responsibilities:

Teachers in the community

A teacher’s role extends outside the classroom and into the school community, where they establish and maintain a supportive school environment. Teachers contribute to school planning and objectives, events, and the development of resources.

Indian does not consider teaching as a good profession. This has been going on for years because of few reasons like; low salary structure, it is a menial job. … Teachers are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people.

The teacher is a dynamic force of the school.

There is no greater need for cause of education today than the need for strongly manly men and motherly women as teacher for the young. Being a teacher is being in one scary position.

“Those who educate the children are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, that art of living well.”

Teacher show right path to student and also prepares a human for the further development of the nation .So no doubt, it is the noble than any other profession.

Let’s talk about why teaching is not well paid profession in India ‘It is difficult to have a decent lifestyle in a teaching job and hence some teachers need to relay on tuition money to support their family.’

This is not just any quote, but plight of several teachers in India. It is sad to associate plight with people who impart knowledge and educate the new generation, but this is truly an irony.

But with low salaries why would any graduate want to plunge in teaching when one can make twice the amount of money by working at a BPO? In fact private tutoring is more lucrative than a school teaching job in India.

For me every job on earth can be a noble one if you do it for a noble cause. Do your job well so that result may at least help a single person without causing harm to any. Indian does not consider teaching as a good profession.

This has been going on for years because of few reasons like; low salary structure, it is a menial job. People join this profession because of good vacations, no pressure to perform, no accountability.

Teachers do a lot for their students, teacher are an extremely important fact of any society for a multitude of reason. Teachers are the people who educate the youth of society who in turn become the leaders of the next generation of people.

Teacher are the people who are teaching children and imparting knowledge upon them in their most impressionable years, so teachers certainly have a significant mark on the development of young children and even old children alike as they are teaching them and helping them develop their knowledge so that they can go on in life and be responsible and productive member of society.

Teachers should be well paid because they are boon for us.

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