France against Islam: International law must be enacted to punish blasphemy


Muslim countries ought to unite against France in support of the Holy Prophet and fight Islamophobia

Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi
In western countries, anti-Islamic elements have repeatedly made cartoons of the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to create hatred and enmity among human beings instead of peace and tranquillity in the world. At present, the world’s population is just under 8 billion, of which about 2 billion are Muslims. Buried in Madinah, the best of all human beings and the leader of all the prophets is Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Peace be upon him). Muslims believe that sacrificing their lives and properties in order to safeguard the dignity of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) leads to success in both the world. A few days ago, a school teacher in France showed in the classroom a cartoon of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who came to this world about 1491 years ago. The question is, what right did that teacher have to make a cartoon of the leader of 2 billion Muslims and show it to the children in the classroom which had Muslim children as well.
This naturally caused anger, so a student killed him. He was shot dead by police. The slain teacher who showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was later awarded the highest national honor. Furthermore, those cartoons were pasted on government buildings. This sparked anger among Muslims all over the world against the current French government and Muslims began to raise their voices for the boycott of French goods. Such a blasphemous act against a leader of any religion in the world should not be treated as freedom of expression but as an obvious attempt to spread terrorism because such a move would create hatred and enmity in the world instead of peace and tranquillity and that is terrorism.
On August 11, 2020, P. Naveen posted on Facebook a highly defamatory post against the last prophet (SAW). Even before that, he used to post hateful posts many times to provoke the feelings of a class of people, but no action was taken against him. As a result, it is natural for Muslims in the area to be outraged against P. Naveen’s post. Because the whole world knows well that a Muslim cannot tolerate the slightest insolence towards his Holy Prophet (PBUH). Not only Muslims but the followers of any religion cannot tolerate this kind of post against their religious leaders. Even before this heinous act, blasphemous words were uttered against the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Such people must be brought to justice, trailed in the court and stern action should be taken against them. Because such incidents will only increase chaos and intolerance instead of establishment of law and order in the country. This will create instability in lieu of development in the country, will create hatred and enmity among the people.
On October 25, 2018, the European Court of Human Rights also informed the whole world in its landmark decision that talking or writing insulting words in the honour of Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) or any other prophet is not freedom of speech, rather, it creates hatred and enmity among the people. And such incidents will only increase intolerance and disturbance instead of peace and order in the world. The history also well witnesses that the conversion of millions of people in the Indian subcontinent to Islam was solely due to their preference for Islam, no force was used with them. The religion of Islam established brilliant traditions and notable examples of treating non-Muslims very well. Once, the funeral procession of a Jew passed in front of the prophet (PBUH), he stood up in respect of the deceased Jew. The Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) asked why such respect was shown for a non-Muslim? He said: Isn’t he a human being? (Al-Bukhari). But just as Islam does not allow insulting the leaders of other religions, in the same way, the blasphemy in the honour of the Prophet Muhammad will not be tolerated, whether the perpetrator would be a Muslim or a non-Muslim. A Muslim fully respects his prophet along with a similar respect for other prophets too. Rather, it is inevitable for any person to be a perfect believer (Muslim) in the light of the Qur’an and Hadith, that he along with believing in the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he should surely believe in other prophets. However, in the religious teachings of those who claim to believe in other divine books, even today, believing in Prophet Muhammad does expel like these persons from their religion.
Earlier, a cartoon contest on the personality of Muhammad (BPUH) was going to be held in the Netherlands, but after peaceful protests by Muslims, the organiser had to reconsider his decision and got it withdrawn. In Islam, it is impermissible to do anything like this in the honour of Jesus (AS) or Moses (AS). Therefore, a Muslim cannot even think that Jesus (AS) whom Christians consider as their spiritual leader, or Moses (AS), whom the Jews acknowledge as their leader that any wrong thing should be attributed to them. Thus, in practice, there is not a single incident in the world in which a Muslim has insulted a Christian or a Jewish spiritual leader. Whatever incidents occur from time to time, it is only about the last Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH). Therefore, the international community should enact strict laws to punish the perpetrators of blasphemy so that the series of insults in the honour of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the name of freedom of expression could be stopped.
There can be no two opinions regarding the fact that insulting others has nothing to do with freedom of expression. Each and every citizen of a country may file a defamatory case against a person who tries to play with his honour and dignity. But we fail to understand why the same does not apply in the case of making defamatory comments against religious personalities especially the prophets. Why insult remarks against a religious figure are justified under the pretext of freedom of expression? This makes us to conclude that such heinous attempts are driven by hatred and intellectual terrorism of the anti-Islamic elements. Islam has always maintained and invited others to maintain peace and tranquillity.
The Muslim community, and so should the followers of other religions, unanimously consider it a highly condemnable crime to insult the religious figures and the prophets. It is a crime in multiples ways: defamation of the person, hurting sentiments of his followers and thereby threatening the national integrity and peace. The punishment for such a heinous crime in Islam along with other religions is death; respect for the prophets and patching the bleeding wounds of their followers both require so. However, a common citizen has no right to take law in his hand; it will only worsen the situation. Only the government has the right to punish the guilty and it should take strict action against such people in accordance with law.
The world must realize that the reverence and love the Muslims have for the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is unparalleled; they love him as they love nothing else. Besides, Islam requires them to love the Prophet and his traditions. There has not ever been a man besides Muhammad (PBUH) who had as many noble qualities as he had nor there will come anyone like him again. He was humble and forgiving.  Care for the neighbours, serving people in general, showing love to the children, respect for women, kindness to the animals, maintaining justice, taking care of the slaves and the orphans, bravery, firmness, abstinence from worldliness, contentment of heart, fairness in dealings, initiating greetings, generosity and hospitality are some distinguished characteristics that the blessed personality of the Prophet enjoyed altogether. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “None of you can have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.” (Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari and Ṣaḥiḥ Muslim) Abdulaah ibn Hisaam reported: We were with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he was holding the hand of Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Umar said to him, “O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than everything except for myself.” The Prophet said, “No, by the one in whose Hand is my soul, until I am more beloved to you than yourself.” Umar said, “Indeed, now I swear by Allah that you are more beloved to me than myself.” The Prophet said, “Now you are right, O ʿUmar.” (Ṣaḥiḥ al-Bukhari)
In view of the current situation of the world, I would like to request my Muslim brothers to exercise self-restraint, bring the teachings of the noble Prophet (PBUH) into their life and use their abilities to positively communicate the same to others. We should not forget how much hardship and prosecution the Prophet (PBUH) had to face from the day he proclaimed prophethood till his departure from the world: the pagans put intestines of a camel on his back, threw dust on him, called him, soothsayer, magician and mad, incited his sons in law to divorce his daughters, imposed a boycott  on him for consecutive three years, pelted him with stones, made him to migrate from his birth place, injured him during the battle of Uḥad, tried to kill him by poisoning and plotted to murder him by dropping a rock. Moreover, he had to spend two months without lightening fire for cooking in his house. All his offspring except Faṭimah (may Allah be pleased with her) died in his life. In short, he had to face prosecution as well as other challenges but nothing could make him give up forbearance and patience. He steadily kept on conveying the message he was entrusted with. All such incidents in the life of the Prophet (PBUH) have a great lesson for us to take. They teach us how to face all the challenges whether domestic, social, national or international with patience following in his footsteps and strengthening our bond with Allah the Exalted.( Views are personal)
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