New dawn in Gujarat, Masjid opens for non- Muslims for a day


unique effort by Muslims to spread communal harmony, peace and brotherhood


By Abdul hafiz lakhani     Ahmedabad 

 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab which is situated in Soni Ni Chawl Road, Rahmat Nagar, Rakhial, Ahmedabad ,on 27th January  Sunday opened its door for people of different religions to spread communal harmony, peace, and brotherhood.

Non-Muslims wonder what we Muslim do inside the masjid. Solution for this issue is simple i.e. Invite the Non-Muslim local to a Masjid. Some people in Muslim community think that Non-Muslims should not allowed to enter in Masjid. This concept (Non-Muslims can’t enter Masjid) is not in line with the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). At the time of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), Jews and Christians could enter in Masjid, said one of the organizer.

Keeping that in mind Masjid Umar Bin Khattab which is situated in Soni Ni Chawl Road, Rahmat Nagar, Rakhial, Ahmedabad, took an initiative “Let’s visit the Mosque”, in which people were invited the local non-Muslim public to come and visit the mosque, observe what Muslims perform inside Masjid. People of different faith can visit the Mosque and see live Wudu (Ablution), Live Namaz (Prayer), meet the Imam of the Masjid. Around 150 visitors came down to the Masjid, said Trustee of Masjid Moinuddion Ibn Nasrullah.

To remove misconception about Islam and its principals, in unique attempt, There were panels put together inside the mosque on various topics like;1. Concept of God (Allah) in Islam  2. What is Quran  3. Quran encourages thinking4. Free will (All humans have given free will to choose his/her religion) 5. Fair treatment with workers/servants 6. Islamic banking (interest free banking )7. Suicide (Islam discourages this kind of act by any means) 8. Do not spread rumors 9. Communal hatred (Islam discourages these filthy acts). 

The organizers had also put a panel displaying a message from Hadith — sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) along with an image of a smartphone showing social media forums like WhattsApp, Facebook and Twitter. The message reads, “Do not spread rumours. Prophet Muhammad had stated that the man who spreads a message without cross checking its authenticity is also a liar.”  

A visitor said “I have found this experience to be extremely revealing, mainly because, for us, it’s a very closed society. I have never been inside a mosque. I have been outside of a mosque several times. I didn’t even know that women are also allowed inside a mosque. So, for me, it’s a very nice experience. I have also loved the way they explained to us the entire thing.”Another visitor, also lauded the organisers for the initiative, which, she said, helps expand one’s knowledge about the subject.