Toenail Fungus


Your toenails can become infected with toenail fungus, a common fungal condition. A less frequent infection is nail fungus on your fingernails.

When fungi enter the space between your toenail and the tissue directly beneath it, you can develop toenail fungus. Usually, a cut or crack in your toe causes this.

Tinea unguium: what is it?

Tinea unguium is the term used to describe toenail fungus caused by dermatophytes. A dermatophyte is a mold that grows only when it receives the protein keratin. Your nails’ primary structural component, keratin, is what gives them their hardness. 90% of fungal infections in toenails are caused by dermatophytes. Another name for tinea unguium is onychomycosis.

Toenail Fungus

Who is affected by toenail fungus?

A toenail fungus can affect anyone. Older folks are frequently affected, particularly those over 60.

If you have any of the following, you may be more susceptible to toenail fungus:

  • The athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which excessive sweating occurs.
  • An injury to the nail.
  • Low blood flow as a result of peripheral vascular illness.
  • Psoriasis.
  • A compromised immune system brought on by HIV or autoimmune diseases.

How prevalent is fungus under nails?

Fungus under the nails is extremely common, especially in older adults. According to medical professionals, onychomycosis affects one in ten individuals in total. For those above 70, that percentage rises to 1 in 2 (or 50%).

Signs and Origins

How does tinea unguium appear?

There are multiple ways that tinea unguium can alter the appearance of your toenail. Your toenail might:

  • Shift in hue, appearing brown, yellow, or white.
  • Seem hazy or chalky in certain areas.
  • Become swollen and potentially asymmetrical.
  • Leave room between your nail and the flesh underneath as you separate from your nail bed.
  • Split or fracture in one or more areas.

Why does tinea unguium occur?

Tinea unguium is brought on by dermatophytes, a particular kind of mold. Fungal germs known as dermatophytes are too small to be seen with the human eye. Keratin, a protein present in your fingernails and toenails, is their food source. Nails are made hard by keratin.

Ninety percent of fungal infections in the toenails are caused by dermatophytes. However, you might also get toenail infections from different kinds of fungus.

Does tinea unguium spread easily?

Indeed, tinea unguium and other toenail fungi are highly contagious. Direct touch is the means via which the fungus can infect someone else. Toenail fungus can also spread through contact with infected surfaces.

Diagnoses and Examinations

How do you diagnose fungal nails?

In order to assess your symptoms, your healthcare practitioner will first take a thorough look at the affected toenail. Upon examining your toe, they might be able to detect fungal infections under your nails. However, in order to confirm a fungal infection, your clinician might prescribe testing.

What examinations are planned to identify toenail fungus?

In order to do a more thorough analysis, your healthcare professional will most likely remove a tiny sample from under your nail. A toenail fungus diagnosis can be verified by looking at the cells under a microscope. A scraping can be submitted to see if the fungus spreads in a culture if the first test comes back negative. This aids in the type of fungus identification for your healthcare physician as well.