

An illness called pneumonia causes the air sacs in one or both lungs to become inflamed. The air sacs may swell with fluid or pus (purulent material), which can lead to a cough that produces pus or phlegm, a fever, chills, and breathing difficulties. Pneumonia can be brought on by a number of different species, including bacteria, viruses, and fungus.

The severity of it can range from minor to life-threatening. The most vulnerable groups include newborns and young children, adults over 65, and those with health conditions or weaker immune systems.


It can present with mild to severe signs and symptoms, depending on the type of germ that caused the illness, your age, and general health. Mild signs and symptoms frequently resemble cold or flu symptoms, but they linger longer.

Pneumonia symptoms and signs might include:

  • When you cough or breathe, your chest hurts
  • Inability to think clearly or alterations in mental awareness (in individuals 65 and older)
  • Coughing, which could result in phlegm
  • Fatigue
  • High temperature, perspiration, and chills
  • Body temperature that is below average (in persons over 65 and those with weakened immune systems)
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or nauseous
  • Breathing difficulty

Newborns and infants may not show any sign of the infection. Or they may vomit, have a fever and cough, appear restless or tired and without energy, or have difficulty breathing and eating.


It can be brought on by numerous bacteria. In the air we breathe, bacteria and viruses are the most prevalent. Usually, your body protects you from harmful bacteria getting into your lungs. But even if your health is normally strong, these viruses occasionally have the capacity to overwhelm your immune system.

According on the types of germs that cause illness and how you contracted the infection, there are several varieties of pneumonia.

Public-health pneumonia

The most typical type of it is community-acquired pneumonia. It happens outside of medical facilities like hospitals. It might result from:

Bacteria. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequent cause of bacterial pneumonia in the United States. This kind of pneumonia can develop independently or following a cold or the flu. Lobar pneumonia is a disorder that can only affect one lobe of the lung.

Creatures resembling bacteria. it can also be brought on by Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. Compared to other varieties of pneumonia, it often causes fewer severe symptoms. This sort of pneumonia, which often isn’t severe enough to require bed rest, is known informally as “walking pneumonia.”

Fungi. People with weak immune systems or chronic health conditions are more likely to get this type of pneumonia, as are those who have breathed high concentrations of the microorganisms. Depending on the region, the fungus that cause it can be found in soil or bird droppings.

Virus strains, such as COVID-19. it can be brought on by several of the viruses that cause colds and the flu. The most frequent cause of pneumonia in children under the age of five is viruses. Normal viral pneumonia is not severe. But occasionally, it can get really bad. Pneumonia from the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) may develop into a serious case.

Pneumonia acquired in a hospital

Some patients who are in the hospital for another sickness also develop . Because the individuals who contract it are already ill and because the bacteria that cause it may be more resistant to treatments, hospital-acquired pneumonia can be serious. This type of pneumonia is more common in patients who are using ventilators, which are common in intensive care units.

Pneumonia contracted in the hospital

A bacterial infection known as “health care-acquired pneumonia” affects patients receiving care in outpatient clinics, such as kidney dialysis facilities, or who reside in long-term care homes. Healthcare-acquired pneumonia can also be brought on by germs that are more resistant to antibiotics than hospital-acquired pneumonia.

Pneumonia from aspiration

When you breathe in food, drink, vomit, or saliva into your lungs, aspiration pneumonia happens. If something interferes with your natural gag response, such as a brain injury, swallowing issues, heavy alcohol or drug usage, aspiration is more likely to occur.

Risk elements

Anyone can contract it. However, the two age groups most at risk are:

  • Children that are under 2 years old
  • Those who are at least 65 years old

Other danger signs consist of:

Being in a hospital. If you’re in an intensive care unit in a hospital, you run a higher risk of developing it, especially if you’re using a ventilator.

Chronic illness. If you have asthma, heart disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you are more prone to get it.

Smoking. The natural defenses your body has against viruses and bacteria that cause pneumonia are harmed by smoking.

Immune system that is repressed or weak. People who have HIV/AIDS, undergone organ transplantation, are using long-term steroids, or have received chemotherapy are at risk.


Obtain a vaccine. There are vaccines available to protect against some strains of the flu and pneumonia. You should discuss having these shots with your doctor. Even if you are aware that you have previously had a pneumococcal vaccine, the immunization recommendations have changed over time, therefore it is important to discuss your vaccination status with your doctor.

Make sure kids receive their vaccinations. For children under the age of 2 and for those between the ages of 2 and 5 who are particularly at risk for pneumococcal disease, doctors advise a separate pneumonia vaccine. Children who attend a group daycare facility also need to get the shot. Children older than six months are also advised to get flu vaccines by doctors.

Maintain proper hygiene. Regular hand washing or the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer will help you prevent respiratory infections, which can occasionally develop into it.

Avoid smoking. The natural defenses of your lungs against respiratory infections are harmed by smoking.
Maintain a robust immune system. Get enough rest, work out frequently, and maintain a balanced diet.