Do foods high in zinc relieve cough and cold symptoms?


Do foods high in zinc relieve cough and cold symptoms?

Everyone gets more susceptible to coughs and colds as the weather changes. While everyone is aware of the advantages of vitamin C in treating colds, not many people know that zinc also works wonders! Because it can lessen the intensity and length of respiratory tract infections, zinc is beneficial. It is crucial in stopping the virus’s growth within the body. Additionally, zinc has been shown to strengthen immunity and fend against infections, according to a post on Mona Narula’s Instagram page, a child nutritionist.

Following suit, we made the decision to figure out how zinc benefits us.

Notably, a wide range of plant and animal meals contain zinc, a crucial element. It is essential for sustaining the body’s many processes, including wound healing, immunity, and general health. Zinc supplements have been shown in numerous studies to reduce the length and intensity of colds and coughs, according to R Selve Abbirami, senior dietitian at HCL Healthcare.

Zinc’s role in preventing certain illnesses

*Strengthens immune system: Zinc activates the body’s defense mechanisms, assisting them in fending off infections that cause coughs and colds.

*Anti-viral qualities: Assist in preventing viral replication and lessening the intensity of illnesses.

*Anti-inflammatory agent: Provides relief from sore throats and thus lowers respiratory tract inflammation.


Foods high in zinc to include

Meat: Thin slices of lamb, pig, and beef.
Poultry: Dark meat-rich chicken and turkey.
Seafood includes fish, shrimp, and oysters.
Dairy: yogurt, cheese, and milk.
Nuts and Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, almonds, and peanuts.
Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, and beans.
Complete Grains: Quinoa, oats, and fortified cereals.
vegetables, such as spinach and mushrooms.
Fruits: Although they often contain less zinc, eat a range of fruits for good health.

Sources of vegetarianism include: nuts (almonds, walnuts, and cashews); pumpkin seed legumes (chickpeas, lentils, and beans); whole grains (oats, wheat, and quinoa); fortified breakfast cereals; dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt); fruits (blueberries).

Sources that are not vegetarian: meat such lamb, hog, and beef; shellfish like sea oysters; crab; lobsters; poultry; eggs; and poultry.

Things to think about

* Zinc absorbed from animal foods is higher than that from plant sources. Moderation and variety in your diet should be your top priorities when ingesting foods high in zinc when you have a cold or cough. Add fish, poultry, lean meats, dairy products, nuts, and seeds. For improved immune support, combine foods high in zinc with vitamin C sources, according to Dr. Suresh Kumar Panuganti, lead consultant in pediatric critical care and pediatrics at Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad.

* A component of raw whole grains called phytotates prevents the body from absorbing zinc, reducing its availability for use by the body. Therefore, according to Abbirami, vegetarians should use specific cooking methods, such soaking them for five to six hours, to lower the phytate level and raise the zinc’s bioavailability.

*Fermented foods such as buttermilk, yogurt, tempeh, and sauerkraut, along with other vegetarian sources high in zinc, can help increase absorption because they contain organic acids, according to Abbirami.

*The zinc content of plant sources is directly correlated with the zinc content of the soil in which they are grown.

*Higher zinc supplement dosages inhibit the absorption of other minerals; consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

*Avoid dehydration, use cooking techniques that protect zinc, and be mindful of elements like phytates that can interfere with absorption.

“Pay attention to how your body reacts and put your general health and getting enough sleep first. For a precise diagnosis and course of action regarding chronic symptoms, consult a physician, said Dr. Panugati.