IUMY leader writes letter to PM Modi requesting him to register strong diplomatic protest against France

Kolkatta  siyasat.net
                                                                                                    Date : 25th October, 2020
Shri Narendra Modi   
The Honorable Prime Minister 
Government Of India
Re: Registering India’s strong protest to French Government on blasphemous Cartoons of Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him displayed in government buildings of France .
Respected Sir, 
This is to bring to your notice that objectionable cartoons depicting the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him were projected onto Montpellier government building.
The French President Mr.Macron has also supported this form of Islamophobia depicting blasphemous cartoons  of  Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him .
Needless to mention the above despicable acts have deeply hurt the sentiments of all Indians including its twenty crore Muslim population .
Abusing any revered Religious Figure or Religion, language, culture , race  or any individual or gender , is not freedom but madness , racism and a crime . In fact such acts are provocations to crime and is a crime itself .  It is a form of extremism and hate which is against established secular democratic values .
India has been a plural religious country with established secular , tolerant and democratic traditions. Every Religion has been practiced in the country within limits of tolerance . Blasphemy against any Religion, Caste , National or Revered Figure  is treated as sedition, treason and also  provocation to igniting Religious tensions and is  punishable under Indian Law .
India has rightly upheld tolerance as it’s form of Secularism in every world body including the Organization Of Islamic Countries . Whenever insults have been heaped on Hindu gods and goddesses or Sikh traditions in any part of the Western World or any country whatsoever,  our Country has rightly registered it’s protest within the protocol of Diplomatic Relations .
We therefore request your esteemed office to register our country’s strong diplomatic protest to French Government in order to honour the traditions of our Country and the sentiments of the second largest Muslim population of the world , which resides in India and is fully integrated with Indian Secular Tolerant culture and traditions
                                                                                                                    Yours Sincerely, 
                                                                                                                    Sabir S. Ghaffar 
                                                                                                                     National President
IUMY is youth wing of Indian union Muslim league- a registered political party of india
(www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India based website)