

One kind of cancer that affects the mesothelium, the thin layer of tissue covering most of your internal organs, is called malignant mesothelioma.

One aggressive and lethal type of cancer is mesothelioma. Although there are mesothelioma treatments available, many patients cannot be cured of their disease.

Based on the area of the mesothelium that is damaged, doctors categorize mesothelioma into distinct categories. Most frequently, mesothelioma attacks the pleura, the tissue that surrounds the lungs. We refer to this kind as pleural mesothelioma. Other, less common forms of mesothelioma affect the tissue surrounding the heart, the testicles, and the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma).


Depending on where the cancer develops, it might have different signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, which affects the tissue surrounding the lungs, can include:

  • Chest ache
  • A painful cough
  • Breathlessness
  • Unusual protuberances beneath your chest’s flesh
  • Unexpected weight reduction

Signs and symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects abdominal tissue, can include:

  • stomach ache
  • stomach edema
  • emesis
  • unexpected weight reduction


Generally speaking, a cell’s DNA undergoes a sequence of alterations, or mutations, that lead to cancer. The instructions that inform a cell what to do are encoded in its DNA. The mutations instruct the cell to proliferate and expand uncontrollably. A tumor is created when the aberrant cells grow in number.

Although elements that may raise the risk have been found by studies, the exact etiology of the initial genetic abnormalities that lead to mesothelioma remains unknown. Cancers most likely develop as a result of a complex interplay between a number of variables, including genetics, environment, health, and lifestyle choices.


Your chance of developing mesothelioma may decrease if you limit your asbestos exposure.

Find out whether you have any asbestos-related jobs.

The majority of mesothelioma patients were exposed to asbestos fibers at work. Certain workers are susceptible to asbestos fiber exposure.

  • Miners of asbestos
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Insulators
  • Workers at shipyards
  • Workers in demolition
  • Brake mechanisms
  • Certain military troops
  • Remodelers of homes

Find out from your employer if working there could expose you to asbestos.

Observe your employer’s safety guidelines.

Take all necessary safety precautions at work, such as donning protective gear. Before taking a lunch break or leaving for the day, you can also be expected to take a shower and change out of your work attire. See your physician about further safety measures you can take to guard against asbestos exposure.

Avoid handling asbestos in your house.

Asbestos may be found in older structures and residences. Often, removing asbestos poses a greater risk than leaving it in place. Asbestos fibers can become airborne and inhaled as they break apart. Speak with professionals qualified to find asbestos in your house. To find out if asbestos poses a health concern to you, these professionals might test the air in your house. Hire a certified expert to remove asbestos from your property instead than trying it yourself.