Women Driving Change: The Historic Achievement of Saudi Arabian Women (Part-2)


In 2018, a group of Saudi Arabian women made history by being the first to legally obtain driver’s licenses in the kingdom. For decades, Saudi Arabia had been the only country in the world where women were not allowed to drive, but in 2018, the government lifted the ban as part of a larger effort to modernize the country.

The women who obtained their licenses faced many obstacles and challenges along the way, including harassment and intimidation from conservative elements in society who opposed women driving. However, they persisted in their efforts and ultimately succeeded in claiming their right to mobility and freedom.

Their achievement was a significant milestone in the ongoing struggle for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia and demonstrated the power of women to challenge long-held norms and demand change. It also highlighted the importance of women’s access to transportation and mobility, which are essential for economic and social empowerment.

This incident is a powerful reminder of the progress that can be made when women are given the opportunity to claim their rights and exercise their agency. It shows that women’s empowerment is not just a matter of individual choice, but also requires systemic changes in laws, policies, and social attitudes.

The lifting of the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia was a significant milestone in the ongoing struggle for women’s rights and empowerment. The courage and persistence of the women who obtained their driver’s licenses serve as a powerful reminder of the progress that can be made when women are given the opportunity to claim their rights and exercise their agency. This historic achievement highlights the importance of systemic changes in laws, policies, and social attitudes to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.