ONCAMPUS University London


International students can educational in university readiness programs offered by ONCAMPUS London, an educational institution. As a member of the Cambridge Education Group, it collaborates with prestigious London universities. The main objective is to facilitate students’ progression to undergraduate or graduate study by assisting them in bridging the gap between their present degrees and the entry requirements for UK universities.

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Associated Universities:

London’s Birkbeck University is well-known for its flexible study schedules and night classes.
The University of London’s Royal Holloway is a renowned centre for teaching and research.

Support and Development: ONCAMPUS offers customised help with academic enhancement, English language proficiency, and adjusting to life at a UK university. In order to increase their prospects of advancing to prestigious colleges, students receive one-on-one help and tutoring.

Guaranteed Progression: Under agreements with its partner universities, ONCAMPUS provides students with a clear route to advance to degree programs, given that they fulfil the relevant academic standards.

Undergraduate Foundation Program (UFP): Designed for international students who have finished high school but do not match the standards for straight undergraduate entrance to a UK university, this one-year program is intended for them. In addition to studying English for Academic Purposes, students usually take fundamental academic disciplines.

A prominent member of the Russell Group, Queen Mary University of London is well-known for its capabilities in business, engineering, and law. For students hoping to attend one of the top research universities in the UK, it’s perfect.

Students on Campus who fulfil the requirements for advancement and successfully finish their programs are assured a spot in one of the partner universities. An important benefit for overseas students who would find it challenging to enrol directly in UK universities is this smooth transition.

Guaranteed University Progression: You won’t have to worry about the stress of applying to colleges or the unknown of admissions since, after completing your program successfully, you’ll be assured a position at one of the partner institutions.

Students may take advantage of all the advantages of living in London, such as having access to top-notch museums, theatres, cultural events, and career prospects, thanks to the central position in London.