Cornell University


Cornell University

Ithaca, New York is home to the esteemed Ivy League university Cornell University. Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White founded it in 1865 with the goal of delivering both a liberal arts education and a practical and vocational education. Its philosophy has always been distinguished by its dual focus.

The following are some salient features of Cornell University:

Historical Background

  • Founders: Ezra Cornell, a philanthropist and industrialist, and Andrew Dickson White, an educator and historian.
  • Founded: 1865.
  • Mission: To provide an education in a broad range of subjects and to make higher education accessible to all qualified students, blending both practical and liberal education.

Academic Organization:

Cornell University is home to fourteen colleges and schools, each with a unique concentration. Among the important ones are:
Broad liberal arts education is provided at the College of Arts and Sciences.
The engineering college is well-known for its research and engineering programs.
A pioneer in the teaching of hospitality management is the School of Hotel Administration.
Agriculture, life sciences, and allied topics are the main areas of study at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Law School: Reputable for offering top-notch courses in legal education.
Weill Cornell Medicine is the medical school of Cornell University, and it is situated in New York City.

Research and Facilities

  • Research Centers: Cornell is home to numerous research institutes and centers, such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
  • Libraries: The university has several libraries, including Uris Library and Olin Library, which house extensive collections of books, journals, and digital resources.

Campus Location:

Ithaca, New York, is home to the main campus and is renowned for its verdant surroundings and beautiful beauty.
Modern classrooms, dorms, leisure areas, and cutting-edge labs are among the features. The 2,300-acre campus is home to famous structures including the Cornell University clock tower and the Sage Chapel.


  • Selectivity: Cornell is highly selective with a competitive admissions process. The university looks for academically outstanding students with strong extracurricular achievements.

Overall, Cornell University is a vibrant institution with a rich history, strong academic programs, and a commitment to research and innovation.