Fatigue and exhaustion


Fatigue and exhaustion

It’s common to occasionally feel worn out. However, if you always feel exhausted and you have no idea why, it can indicate a problem.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Reasons for fatigue and exhaustion

Typical reasons for weariness and exhaustion include:

  • insufficient sleep or difficulty falling asleep (insomnia)
  • an unhealthy way of living (such as eating poorly and not exercising much)
  • stress, despair, and overcoming obstacles in life, including caring for a newborn or a bereaved loved one
  • hormonal shifts (such those that occur with menopause, pregnancy, or puberty)
  • Certain disorders, such as COVID-19 and glandular fever
  • some medications and medical procedures, such as chemotherapy, which might make you sleepy for a time

However, if you are fatigued for no apparent reason, it may indicate a medical ailment if it has persisted for some time without improving.

You may be able to determine the cause of your weariness or tiredness from your symptoms. Nonetheless, if you’re concerned, consult a GP rather than self-diagnosing.

Conditions that may lead to fatigue and exhaustion

Signs and symptoms

  • fatigued during the day due to sleep apnea, which causes loud snoring, gasping, snorting, or choking sounds when you wake up in the middle of the night.
  • Pale skin, shortness of breath, palpable heartbeats (heart palpitations), and an obvious lack of energy
  • Extremely worn out and thirsty, Diabetes increased urination, especially at night, and weight loss
  • Constantly exhausted and finding it overactive thyroid, difficulty staying still, jitteriness, anxiety, and irritability, as well as weakness in the muscles
  • severe exhaustion for at least three months during the course of myalgic encephalomyelitis (making it extremely difficult to carry out daily tasks), cognitive, memory, and concentration issues, and flu-like symptoms.
What you can do to alleviate fatigue or exhaustion

You might be able to take some action to alleviate your exhaustion or tiredness.

DO :-

  • consume a balanced diet and do frequent exercise.
  • Aim for 6 to 9 hours of sleep each night and attempt to maintain the same sleep schedules.
  • create a calm resting space that isn’t overly heated, bright, or noisy.

DON’T :-

  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.
  • Avoid using screens or cellphones an hour before bed.

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