An expert says that “lighting scented candles can disrupt hormones.”


An expert says that “lighting scented candles can disrupt hormones.” Here are some safer substitutes. Organizing a romantic meal for your partner by candlelight? Or would you just like to spend a relaxing evening at home, cuddling up with a nice book and basking in the warm glow of fragrant candles?

You could be unintentionally bringing yourself down. Toxins released by these aromatic candles have the potential to negatively impact your health in more ways than one. Let’s investigate how.

Particularly indoors, it is recognized that scented candles emit airborne particles that humans inhale. Studies have shown that the phthalates found in fragrances used in candle production might cause hormone disruptions. Dr. Srinivas Kandula, Consultant Endocrinologist, CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, gave this information.

According to Dr. Kandula, scented candles also include artificial ingredients like parabens, paraffin, and other chemicals that may have an effect on hormones.

What safety measures are possible?

Dr. Kandula advised candle lighting to take place in an area with adequate ventilation. “We are more likely to inhale toxins present in candles when they are used indoors or in a closed space,” he stated.

The problem can be avoided by reducing the frequency of use. He recommended avoiding burning fragrant candles every day. Dr. Kandula advised against using candles with artificial fragrances in favor of natural ones.

According to Dr. Kandula, scented candles also include artificial ingredients like parabens, paraffin, and other chemicals that may have an effect on hormones.

What safety measures are possible?

Dr. Kandula advised candle lighting to take place in an area with adequate ventilation. “We are more likely to inhale toxins present in candles when they are used indoors or in a closed space,” he stated.

The problem can be avoided by reducing the frequency of use. He recommended avoiding burning fragrant candles every day. Dr. Kandula advised against using candles with artificial fragrances in favor of natural ones.

He advised using natural essential oils for scents. Additionally, keeping an eye out for the materials in the candle might help lower the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Candles can be lit twice or three times a week. The doctor advised against lighting scented candles more than twelve times in a month.

He claims that the length of time a candle is burned, the materials it is made of, and the sort of place it is burned in all have a significant impact on the health risk factor. He advised being cautious and avoiding regular candle use in homes with young children, pets, or sensitive people who have asthma.