Extreme heatwave, red alert for the next five days in Delhi and other northern India cities.


Extreme heatwave, red alert for the next five days in Delhi and other northern India cities. The India Meteorological Department has stated that during the next five days, severe heatwave conditions are predicted to dominate over portions of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, and West Uttar Pradesh.

The weather agency issued a “red alert” for the aforementioned states and stated that maximum daytime temperatures in a number of these states’ districts would exceed 47 degrees Celsius.

Senior IMD scientist Naresh Kumar stated, “Temperatures are currently above normal across North West India, and we had issued a’red alert’ for the region over the past two to three days.”

“We have issued a’red alert’ in Rajasthan for the next five days based on a state-by-state projection. The highest temperature will probably rise slightly from 45 degrees Celsius to 47 degrees Celsius, he predicted.

“We have already issued a’red alert’ for Punjab and Haryana due to a western disturbance that is causing a slight reduction in maximum temperatures. However, temperatures will gradually rise by two to three degrees after that. We have issued a “orange alert” for northern Madhya Pradesh and a “red alert” for neighboring Uttar Pradesh for the next five days, according to Kumar.Extreme heatwave, red alert for the next five days in Delhi and other northern India cities.


On Tuesday, an intense heat wave that has been plaguing much of India for the past five days struck, harming people’s health and means of subsistence.

The meteorological office reports that throughout this time, the lower slopes of Himachal Pradesh—which serve as safe havens for those seeking refuge from the oppressive heat of the plains—will continue to experience excessive temperatures.

Tuesday’s highs of above 45 degrees Celsius affected daily life in large parts of Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh, and Uttar Pradesh, as many people opted to stay inside during the afternoon. Gujarat was severely affected by the lethal mix of intense heat and humidity in several areas.

On Tuesday, Sirsa in Haryana recorded a scorching 47.8 degrees Celsius, making it the nation’s warmest location.

The temperature in Delhi decreased slightly from the previous several days, but it was still three to five degrees warmer than usual for this time of year.

According to officials, the national capital’s peak electricity demand hit a record-breaking 7,717 MW on Tuesday afternoon as more people used air conditioners in their homes and workplaces.


While certain areas of northern India are still suffering from the scorching summer heat, there may be some relief to be found further south.

The meteorological service forecasted two to three days of heavy to extremely heavy rainfall, with up to 12 cm expected in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.