Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Tag: Indian media

Opinion: The Impact of Capitol Hill chaos will be more elsewhere...

  How would Indian media report on such issues if it happens in India. They would have started dividing the opposition, pushed a divisive...

Indian Mainstream Media’s Anti- Muslim bias: Almost no regards for ethics...

Why Is Indian Media treating Acquittal of Babri Case  Accused as a Big News while it ignores Muslims’ acquittals in Fake terror cases? Mohammed Hussain...

Opinion: Police and Media: Role and Responsibilities

 Dr. Obaidur Rahman Nadwi Both the police and media, print as well as electronic, can play an important role in maintaining peace and enforcing law...

Retrieving the true meaning of word Jihad:Ram Puniyani

  Ram Puniyani. Words Jihad and Jihadi have been in abundant use for the negative purposes from last two decades in particular. They...

Ex. MP Adeeb’s roadmap to counter Islamophobia unleashed by media...

  By Abdul Hafiz Lakhani   Ahmedabad Close on heels of malicious and baseless propognda against minorities specially against Indian Muslims by so called main stream media,...

Indian mainstream media: A wake up call for minorities

  By Ghazanfar Ali Khan. Indian journalism has had a long history of professionalism, operating within the infrastructure and the ethical parameters. But what is...

Left Islamophobia: A Critique Of Shamsul Islam’s writing on Tablighi Jamaat

 Abhay Kumar. Shamsul Islam is a former professor of political science at University of Delhi. He is known in academia as a leftist scholar....

Whosoever controls the media, controls the mind

  Syed Samiullah Hussaini.     Hyderabad Media is the source of presenting facts to the masses irrespective of any social, religious discremination, national and international boundaries.Media...

Does India have any law which can hold the media accountable?

A planned narrative in times of a pandemic   Amina Mirza A civilised society looks to care for every single individual and protects them with all...