BJP has no choice but roll back CAA


OmarAsad Shaik  United States.

The instantaneous protest across India against CAB and NRC have sent shock waves which shook the very foundation of BJP and RSS. This is a people movement and has made all opposition political parties irrelevant. Today protest marches are being staged across the length and breadth of the country but is mostly limited to urban India and the situation on the ground is such that it may soon gather steam and turn this protest against CAA and NRC into a massive movement against the corrupt and inefficient BJP.

Progress in India for last so many decades was due to the hardworking Indians, and it was achieved in-spite of corrupt politics and political elite has not contributed to the growth of the nation. The potential of India to a large extent have been wasted. The infrastructure, the law and order situation, crimes against women, tribal and minorities and the total indifference of people in power have let down the commoner.

During the last six years the illiterate and corrupt leadership of BJP has brought the nation to the brink of bankruptcy. They won the election on the promised of good governance and people chose them when they were fed-up with the corrupt Congress. Little do they realized then, that BJP would turn out to be massively inefficient and corrupt to the core. They didn’t fulfill any of their election promises and instead decided to play their usual card of religious bigotry. They took whatever mileage possible of Ram Mandir, Article 370, Triple Talaq, but it failed miserably as it has no significance in the life of a commoner. On other hand demonetization was a cruel joke with poor and middle class Indians.

And finally this CAB and NRC may turn out to be Waterloo for Modi and BJP. The financial situation of the country is far worse than it looks, and if it does not get corrected soon, it may become desperate. Massive unemployment, decreased overseas investment, reduced exports, staggering rise in prices of food and essentials have made the life a living hell for most Indians.

Soon India will find itself struggling on foreign exchange reserves, if today overseas Indian manpower doesn’t contribute, India would find itself unable to pay foreign suppliers. Middle East still provides significant foreign exchange and cruel joke against Muslims slowly is being noticed by the Muslim world. OIC has taken a note of it and has called a meeting of their foreign ministers. On one hand BJP is trying to disenfranchise +200 million Muslims and on other hand millions of Indians are enjoying safety and prosperity in Muslim world, and living as minorities with full rights in Europe, Australia and America. Has BJP ever thought the outcome if Indians are sent back from other countries?

The only option for BJP is to roll back the black CAA law and announce cancellation of all its policies which differentiate Indians based on their religion, caste or language. The Indian constitution is secular and it must stay secular and all Indians are equal. Indians belonging to all religions have shown their determination to sacrifice everything to uphold Indian Constitution. BJP has come to power largely due to massive fraud in EVM, and today is fully exposed and stand alone. It must realize that there is no way it can win against will of people.

I salute and appeal the Indian youth to continue their protest across India till BJP concedes and all communal forces are exposed and defeated. Secular character of India is its identity and its life line, without it, India as a sovereign nation will not survive!( is Ahmedabad,Gujarat India based website)