India will not tolerate violence on its campus by right wing goons


NAPM stands in solidarity with the struggling students and faculty members of JNU 

New Delhi,

NAPM ( NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PEOPLE’S MOVEMENTS)  strongly condemns the unprecedented violence unleashed by the masked goons on the JNU campus specifically targeting Student Union activists, students active in anti fee hike agitation and the faculty members supporting them and some Kashmiri and Dalit students. The attack has left more than 20 students and faculty members with grievous injury, fracture and cuts including severe head injury to JNUSU President Aishe Ghosh, Prof Sucharita Sen and others. In a well guarded university, the complete breakdown of the law and order, deliberate switching off of the street lights, lockdown of the main entrance, stopping of Ambulance and any help from entering the campus, points towards the complicity of the JNU administration and the Police authorities as well, who played along with the right wing protesters at the main gate, events following the attack late in the night.

This attack is in line with the continued attack on the Universities by the right wing and Hindutva forces and sustained propaganda often aided by mainstream news channels who have tried to portray Universities as a hotbed of anti national and naxal politics. This is nothing but the political vendetta because the Universities across the country have consistency opposed the neo-liberal, anti people and fascist policies of the NDA government. These attacks are a desperate attempt by the BJP to deflect attention from the continued protests against the CAA and other policies and a move to impact the Delhi elections sensing defeat. The heartening fact is that the resistance is only growing and peoples movements of this country are not going to cede to the terror and violence unleashed by the State and right wing forces.

The recent attack has come in the light of the continuing anti fee hike protests led by students of JNU for past few months now. The unprovoked violence on the protesting students was started by the JNU security staff on January 4, who were ordered to break the strike. Later in the day, some ABVP activists were caught on camera attacking the protesting students including women students and pelted stones at them. Some of the female students had sustained grave injuries and fractures in the rampant attack by ABVP goons on the 4th of January 2020 as well.

It was against this violence that the JNU Teachers’ Association had given a call for a peace meeting on campus on January 5, 2020. While the meeting was taking place, a group of masked goons from outside the campus started attacking the peacefully assembled students and teachers with rods and bricks. From the narratives of the students it has emerged that more than 50 armed goons entered the campus around 6:30 pm.

It is alleged that in a well planned and pre-meditated attack people from outside were called in, including former DUSU President from ABVP Satinder Awana and many others who targeted hostels namely Periyar, Mahi-Mandavi and Sabarmati. They entered the hostel premises with lathis, rods and stones. Some miscreants also went on to attack School of Social Sciences II building. Hooligans from outside broke glasses, smashed cars and destroyed JNU property. They did not shy away from even assaulting the dhaba workers. But most disturbing and shameful event took place when they went inside the girls wing of Sabarmati. The goons wearing masks indiscriminately hit the women students in their hostel and intimidated them with verbal abuse and death threats. The ‘Cyclopse’ security which has a mandate to protect the students, faculty and campus of JNU campus unfortunately became the facilitators and perpetrator of the violent act. JNUSU and student bodies have alleged that they did this at the behest of the Vice Chancellor’s orders.

The chronology of events that unfolded on the 5th evening is a shameful episode for Delhi Police as well who gave safe passage to masked right wing goons to carry out their violent deeds on the students who were peacefully protesting against the fee hike in JNU. For days now the JNU administration has been unable to break the students protest regarding the imposed fee hike in JNU. Swaraj India Leader Yogendra Yadav, CPI General Secretary D Raja, NFIW leader Annie Raja, NAPM Conveners Amrita Johari & Anjali Bhardwaj, and many other senior activists who later reached JNU main gate were also manhandled by the right wing activists and goons present there and were shouting slogans against JNU. Delhi Police remained a mute spectator to all this and as Yogendra Yadav has alleged that even Delhi Police officials engaged in manhandling him. Such shameful acts and continued dereliction of duty by Delhi Police in preventing acts of violence, intimidation and harassment by right wing activists only points to the patronage of the right wing party in power. Delhi Police inaction in defending rights of the citizens to protest peacefully and high handedness has become a regular occurrence now, as seen in anti CAA Jamia, or JNU protests.

NAPM  forced to conclude that the JNU administration and the police are complicit in facilitating this attack and have abetted the right wing goons in carrying out this attack. We demands are as below

1.    JNU Registrar Pramod Kumar and the Vice Chancellor M Jagadesh Kumar take moral responsibility for their failure to guarantee the safety of their students and faculty and resign immediately.

2. demand that independent judicial enquiry is conducted to ascertain the people behind this dastardly act and due punishment is given to them.

3.    Prompt medical aid and assistance and security is provided to those injured.

4.    Strict action be taken against the police officials who have engaged in the manhandling of the senior activists at the JNU gate in the aftermath of the violence and failed to ensure peace and security.

5.    Lastly, given complete breakdown of the law and order in Delhi, continued violence in and around Delhi, Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik and Home Minister Amit Shah must resign for their failure in protecting rights of the people.