WIH lamblasts religiously biased CAB


Saharanpur. Siyasat.net


Maulana Ataur RahmanWajdi, Ameer Wahdat-e-Islami Hind condemned the recent CAB (Citizenship Amendment Bill) which was passed in Lok-Sabha and said that, “The Bill should be opposed due to its biasness towards one religion and social inequality. In the past only during Hitler’s reign the citizenship was decided based on religion and India is the second country to follow his footsteps”. He added, “it should be noted that Hitler believed in Fascism but the question is whether India is governed by the disciples of same ideology”.

In a press release,Maulana Wajdi stressed that, “India is struggling with its economy which is turning bad to worse and big banks are facing bankruptcy. Among the SAARC nations our GDP is declining consistently and currently our GDP is behind Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Instead of paying heed to these issues the present government is busy in depriving citizenship of its own nationals in the name of NRC and the current CAB should be seen in this context. No civilised nation deprives its own people of their citizenship but in the 21st Century India, based on the teachings of ‘Manu-Smriti’, is trying to expel its own citizens by imposing CAB and NRC”.

Ameer Wahdat-e-Islami appealed to all citizens of India to oppose the NRC, CAB and all such bills and organise awareness programs in collaboration with all likeminded organisations and groups.

He also highlighted that, “the recent one after another decisions of current government show that the band of leaders in the government are behaving as Pharos (Firaun) and targeting a specific community by oppressing them and making them helpless, but such political terrorism may backfire, as such inane acts will not be able to intimidate the Indians