The leadership of Indian Muslims is in South

  Omer asad Shaik    Milwaukee(US) 
peaceful struggle against CAB, This is not a sprint race but a marathon 
(The founding premise of the CAB is that, unlike in the case of Hindus, India is not the natural home of Muslims. It is a thinly-veiled message that Muslims who chose India over Pakistan will be tolerated, but this is not their land– Editor) 
250 million is a mind boggling figure and just to put in perspective, almost equal to the population of 20 Arab countries, more than England, France, Italy put together. 
There is no way Indian Muslims could face a similar fate of their brothers in Andulus, or of Myanmar unless they actively try to go that path. 
Indian Muslims  have resources, numbers and just need the will to fight it out. These testing times will make ummah  stronger and God willing, new leadership will emerge. The status quo is horrible and need to be changed, perhaps this is God sent opportunity.
The leadership of Indian Muslims is in South, not North and Kerala Muslims have shown  Indian Muslims the path, be close to other communities of every  state, learn their language and play active part in local politics. Think beyond Muslims and be a problem solver. Add value of our  presence to our  people (people of your state, city, locality) be benevolent and empathize with one and all.
Indian Muslims  are already seeing great support from various quarters, though CAB passed in RS too last evening,  peaceful struggle must continue. This is not a sprint race but a marathon and those with patience, perseverance and grit will succeed.
Please remember for Muslims there is never a defeat, the success has a very different connotation and we must understand it.