Ulamas can guide the Muslim community in challenging time


MMERC’S  international seminar presents the declaration for the Ulama, Muslim youths, the entire Muslim community

By Abdul hafiz lakhani             New Delhi

  Mumbai based  Markazul Ma’arif Education and Research Centre (MMERC)  recently on 4 to 6  October 219 organised  three international seminar in  capital New Delhi  on the subject of  Ulama, Muslim Youth and Contemporary Challenges With Special Reference to DELL Course and Post-Madrasa Education issued a declaration at the completion of conclave  putting thrust on Ulama’s role for the betterment of India.

This International Seminar presents the following declaration for the Ulama, Muslim youths, the entire Muslim community especially the Muslims in India:

The Ulama are requested to act responsibly with regard to the national and international sorry state of affairs and guide the Muslim community how to overcome the challenges faced by them in various religious, social, economic and political spheres, with a clear vision. Ulamas  are requested to analyze the factors contributing to the Muslim community’s backwardness in religious and social fields and help them get rid of their confusions through clear guidance. The Muslims at large should be encouraged to advance in education and the influential among them should take the lead.

This Seminar emphatically reminds the Muslim youths of their commitment to India, our beloved country and the land so dear to our forefathers. Serving the country and the countrymen and working for its welfare and development should be focus of our endeavors and purest exhibition of our patriotic spirit.

The religion you follow is a religion of love, peace, compassion, loyalty and sincerity. It promotes all these and other humanitarian principles and values that entire humanity especially our country need the most. What you should always bear in mind is the fact that outstanding performance in educational fields together with your contributions to the national cause is what defines you and your excellence the best. Therefore, while fully maintaining your religious identity and cultural legacy, try to prove yourselves and let your actions be louder than your words. India is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations of the world and you are supposed to represent the Muslim community in it and safeguard its identity and culture. Don’t let things blur your vision. The national and international scenario no matter how appalling should not shake your faith in the humanitarian principles of your religion. The circumstances, no matter how disheartening, should not provoke you to go against your values. Get rid of confusion if you have any and, with a clear vision, work to protect your identity, improve your education and reform your society.

This Seminar requests all Muslim organizations and seminaries that the recent positive call from some Muslim organizations and prominent individuals concerning modernization or modification of the traditional Madrasa curriculum to keep pace with time is worth consideration. We are eagerly waiting for your valuable suggestions and guidance in this regard. We would feel blessed to provide whatever help may be needed. Alhamdulillah, thanks to Markazul Ma’arif, today we have a good number of highly qualified Madrasa graduates who besides their Madrasa degrees joined modern universities for higher education. These Ulama are not only capable but also eager to teach, contribute to syllabus making process, train and manage all required activities.

Finally, this International Seminar requests the entire Muslim community that your religious identity is what defines your existence in the presence of different religions and cultures. Circumstances are very alarming and the final solution to all your problems lies in your religion. All you need is recourse to authentic teachings of Islam and translate them into action. This Seminar especially requests the Muslim community in India that you are the great children of this great country. We have been living here for centuries, loving our motherland and contributing to building and protecting it. Our forefathers lived here and are buried in its soil. Our love and loyalty to this country cannot be questioned. We as proud citizens of India cannot compromise when it comes to unity, safety and integrity of our country. We firmly believe our religious identity does not contradict pluralism and diversity of India. We can do justice to both and we proudly do so.