It is Mockery of Justice, Riot Victims unhappy about Judgement

naroda patiyda verdict
naroda patiyda verdict


After the Gujarat High Court acquitted 17 out of 32 convicts in the 2002 Naroda Patiya riot case, a victim on Friday said that eight members of her family were killed before her eyes during the clash.

In the Naroda Patiya riot, at least 97 Muslims were killed following the Godhra riots. “Eight members of our family were killed before our eyes. If they are innocent, did we kill our children? Maya Kodnani has been declared innocent, two years later Babu Bajrangi will be acquitted,” the victim told media here. The Gujarat High Court acquitted former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) minister Maya Kodnani in the case.

However, the conviction of Babu Bajrangi who had also moved the court challenging the previous ruling was upheld. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. Besides Kodnani, 16 others were also acquitted, while the conviction of 12 was upheld. The verdict on two others is awaited and one other accused is dead. In 2012, a special court for Special Investigation Team (SIT) cases had sentenced 32 people to life imprisonment, including Kodnani and Bajrangi. In the ruling, seven accused were given enhanced life imprisonment of 21 years and the remaining were given simple life imprisonment for 14 years.

All the convicts had appealed against their conviction in the High Court. A division bench of the court comprising justice Harsha Devani and justice A. S. Supehiya concluded the hearing and reserved the order in the case last August. Around 58 people lost their lives when the S-6 coach of Sabarmati Express was allegedly torched at the Godhra Railway Station on February 27, 2002. Following the incident, on February 28, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal declared Gujarat Bandh. A total of 97 people were killed by rioters in Ahmedabad’s Naroda Patiya area on this day.Justice has not been done, says a victim, while another cries, ‘Yeh andha kanoon hai’ and a third deplores the poor justice system and prays for a “system that gives justice to Muslims in this country”. Sharifa Bibi who lost her 18-yearold son Sharif on February 28, 2002, cannot stop tears from rolling down her cheeks. Holding Sharif’s pic, she said, “We fear for our lives as many convicts have been acquitted.

We gave statements against them in court and now face threat to our lives. I lost my son whom I wanted to see get married as he was the eldest. His death is a huge loss as he earned Rs 400 per day driving an autorickshaw. Government has not helped us after the incident.” Ruksana Kureshi of Jawan Nagar in Naroda Patiya who lost her mother Zarina and sister Naseem is shocked and angry at the same time.
“I am not able to forget that nightmarish day as the scenes of violence and brutalities constantly flash before my eyes. I have not been able to see the photos of my mother or sister till date out of stigma and fear.

Fear has returned to haunt us after the acquittal of the accused. Surrounded by Hindus on all sides makes it tough for us to flee from here. We have gathered ourselves after a deep struggle of years and without any substantial government help. I believe there is no value of Muslims in the county where a deer killed gets justice but not humans.” Shakilabanu Ansari lost eight members of her family in Naroda Patiya.

Talking Ansari asked, “Is there any court in this country that would do justice to Muslims? We have seen rapes, violence and brutalities with our own eyes but the court does not want to accept our statements. We are fighting for justice which is hard to come by. We will fight till Supreme Court and if we don’t get justice even there, we will fight till we lose our lives.

We live under fear as those who threatened us may return to attack us.” Fatima Bibi, another victim was frustrated with the judgment. “I have seen rioters killing our children by pouring petrol-diesel in their mouth. After this, how will anyone go to court for justice. Yeh andha kanoon hai.” Ishratjahan Saiyed claimed to have seen 12 people being shot at. “These accused are so dangerous that they would threaten and harass us when on parole.

If 18 convicted are freed what will happen to our security as we have been attacked by the accused in the past. I would like to ask the government – Kya yahi kanoon hai?” Jannat Bibi, another victim said, “What kind of new Hindustan is this where a most of the convicted people are acquitted? We have seen with our own eyes rapes and killings with the police helping the accused.

We were under fear when the riots took place and once again we are put under fear.” Safi Mansuri who was present on 28th February, 2002, recollects, “They knew whom they are killing and raping. This verdict says that only few people have killed 97 people. We will got to Supreme Court for justice.” According to lawyer Shamshad Pathan who fought for the victims, “There was no deep investigation by the SIT and other agencies as only 67 people have been tried and booked in this case even after 4,000 to 5,000 people were involved in it.

Agencies only took note of the people whom victims’ named. It was their duty to find more names by conducting a strict probe — like where did the weapons fuel come from. Since the beginning, the police and other agencies’ were soft on Kodnani as she belonged to ruling party. Victims are under fear now as they have not been provided enough security on the day of judgment.”

( News Desk)