OpenAI introduces a new ChatGPT subscription tier


OpenAI introduces a new ChatGPT subscription tier and opens up the GPT store for developers to publish bespoke bots. When OpenAI’s ChatGPT began responding to queries in November 2022, it became an instant hit.

People had an amazing time discovering all of the capabilities of the just debuted chatbot, from asking it to crack jokes to inquiring about life, the universe, and nearly anything. Following its premiere more than a year ago, ChatGPT became a familiar face in many lives and generated unprecedented levels of interest in generative AI.OpenAI introduces a new ChatGPT subscription tier and opens up the GPT store for developers to publish bespoke bots.

News of ChatGPT’s upcoming GPT store, which would enable users to make and distribute custom versions of ChatGPT, began to circulate towards the end of 2023.

Additionally, OpenAI formally launched the GPT store on Wednesday. Participation in the GPT Store does not require knowledge of coding, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

However, in order to use Builder Profiles, creators must either display their true name or send users to a website that has been validated. A new ChatGPT subscription tier was also introduced at the same time. Learn more about OpenAI’s most recent announcements by reading on.

GPT shop is launched by OpenAI

In a blog post announcing the launch of the GPT store, OpenAI stated: “Since we first released GPTs two months ago, users have developed over 3 million unique ChatGPT versions.

Many builders have made their GPTs available for use by others. We’re starting to make the GPT Store available to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise members today so you can discover well-liked and practical GPTs. Explore at,” the business stated in a blog post.

It further stated that the business intends to introduce a “GPT builder revenue program” in the first quarter of this year, which will enable developers to get paid for constructing unique GPTs.

“We are going to introduce a GPT builder revenue program in Q1.” US builders will initially be compensated according to how users interact with their GPTs. As the day approaches, we’ll give more information on the requirements for payments,” the business stated.

Additionally, OpenAI described how to share a GPT within the shop. You may accomplish this by taking these two easy steps:

  • Keep your GPT safe for everyone (link-containing GPTs won’t show up in the shop).
  • Go to Settings, Builder profile, and confirm your Builder Profile by enabling your name or a verified website.

The organization has put in place a review system that involves “both human and automated reviews” to make sure that GPTs adhere to the guidelines established by OpenAI.

The new subscription level for ChatGPT

The OpenAI team also introduced the ChatGPT Team subscription, a new subscription tier, in addition to the GPT shop. This subscription level turns out to be quite helpful for smaller groups looking for a safe and cooperative work environment.

For USD 25 to USD 30 per user each month (based on the billing cycle), this subscription is less expensive than its enterprise counterpart and doesn’t require complex consultations with OpenAI’s sales team or substantial investments.

ChatGPT Team is available to Enterprise or ChatGPT Plus members and provides a number of features to improve user experience.

One of its main features is the ability to use GPT-4, which has a wider context window (32,000 tokens) that allows for more complex and lengthy searches.

Increased message caps are another benefit for subscribers, and OpenAI guarantees that users’ data and conversations won’t be used to train its algorithms. A safe workplace with an admin console for easy seat management is included with the subscription.

In addition, members of ChatGPT Teams are assured of “early access to new features and improvements,” which puts them at the forefront of technological development.