Simon Fraser University (SFU)


SFU, a public research university in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, is home to many international scholars. Since its founding in 1965, SFU has developed into one of Canada’s top comprehensive universities. The university bears the name of Simon Fraser, an adventurer and fur trader from the early 19th century.

Academic Programmes

SFU provides a vast array of graduate and undergraduate courses in a number of fields, including business, science, engineering, health sciences, communication, and the arts and social sciences.


The institution is renowned for its contributions to a wide range of research subjects. SFU is home to several research institutes and centres that specialise in fields like technology, social innovation, health, and environmental science.

Programmes for Cooperative Education (Co-ops)

SFU is renowned for emphasising experiential learning. Through cooperative education programmes, students can obtain real-world work experience in fields linked to their studies.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

SFU has made a concerted effort to foster these two concepts. The institution supports researchers and students in transforming their ideas into successful enterprises through various initiatives and programmes.

Community participation

Social responsibility and community participation are important to SFU. To solve societal issues, the institution works with organisations and local communities.

The library system of Simon Fraser University is renowned for its vast array of resources, which encompass books, periodicals, and digital documents. Research and academic endeavours are greatly aided by the library.


SFU welcomes students from all around the world and has a strong international focus. The institution encourages students to take part in study abroad and foreign exchange programmes, as well as promoting global viewpoints in the curriculum.

Digital Learning

SFU has embraced online education and digital learning technology, providing a variety of online courses and programmes to suit varying schedules and learning preferences.

The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) is a group that advocates for the interests of students at SFU, which boasts a thriving student body. It plans activities, offers assistance, and speaks up for the needs of students on campus.