

Simply taking charge of a group, team, or organization is leadership. When we hear the word “leadership,” our minds immediately conjure up many pictures. A political leader, team leader, corporate leader, school leader, etc. are some examples of leaders. Leaders facilitate the proper and organized operation of their team or organization. Leadership is primarily about achieving success as a group. In order to guide their team towards the intended destination, leaders use their management talents to establish direction.

Leadership: Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Enhanced communication abilities.
  • Formation of personality.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Working well in a team.
  • Boost your confidence.


  • Partiality against the team’s members.
  • A lack of faith in the boss.
  • An attitude of hypocrisy.
  • Failing to live up to expectations.
  • Absence of values.

Management and Leadership

Management and leadership are related concepts. Setting goals and objectives is the act of leadership. Successfully managing the complexities of corporate operations is the act of management. Nothing but a crucial component of efficient management, leadership is. We might also remark that management and leadership are interchangeable terms. For instance, we observe that a manager frequently possesses features of a leader; this suggests that he is a capable leader.

Leading in the classroom

Leadership is needed in practically every organization, as we have already stated. One of those groups is the school. Each and every school needs to have a strong leader. There are various leadership positions in schools, such as class monitor, assembly captain, cultural leader, etc., but the question is, how does one become a notable leader in their school and what attributes are necessary?

A kid who wants to be chosen as a school leader should possess a variety of traits. He or she should attend class on time, pay attention to the teacher’s instructions, and perform well in extracurricular activities. Because a kid who is stupid and lazy cannot be a candidate for being a good leader. The majority of the time, a good leader is the student who is fully engaged in all areas.

Management in Organizations

Setting strategic goals that are for the organization’s benefit or to help the organization get to where it wants to go is organizational leadership. The CEO of any company—here, the leader—often sets plans on which he collaborates with his staff to achieve the desired result. This is a pretty common example. Similar to this, the leader of every organization is responsible for establishing the objectives that must be met.

Governance in Politics

Political leadership is the process of being actively involved in a political party as a leader. Understanding political processes, their results, and political objectives is the concept of political leadership. For instance, today’s honorable prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, has proven to be a capable political figure. He has a wonderful and organized way of running the country.


If a person has a great desire to lead and a strong will, it is not difficult for them to do so. One should endeavor to build their strengths and strengthen their flaws. Leadership is necessary everywhere, whether it be in politics, the workplace, or schools. In order to practice it one can pick the organization where they now work.