Ex. MP Adeeb’s roadmap to counter Islamophobia unleashed by media in India

Mohammad Adeed (Ex MP) - Siyasat.net


By Abdul Hafiz Lakhani   Ahmedabad
Close on heels of malicious and baseless propognda against minorities specially against Indian Muslims by so called main stream media, Former RS member Mohammed Adeeb in a sad voice said that the free, fair and natural journalism  in the country has been totally collapsed and watch dog journalism has turned into lap dog journalism for dispensation.
In a telephonic conversation with Gujarat siyasat and www.siyasat.net  he told that our media has lost its true colour and it has turned into saffron barring very few fearless journalists.
In the past couple of years, we have seen the total collapse of free and fair journalism in the country. Barring a few devoted ones, who are still trying to do their jobs honestly, the majority have gotten colored and in a big way, he added.
Mr. Addeb said like most of you, I  have lost all faith in the reportage happening in this country.
The channels have only one purpose now- how to spread Islamophobia further and convert the Indian Democracy (whatever is left of it) into a Hindu rashtra’, he alleged.
Boycotting these channels alone will not serve the purpose because we need a medium to voice our issues- our debates and our points of view, he clarifed.
In a question, he opined that he  would like to flout the idea of making community  own social media network of sorts where we will request guidance and expertise of esteemed journalists and game players in this business as well.
A simple studio will be set up in a rented accommodation and the office can run from there. The channel will be like a minority mouthpiece and on the lines of “wire” and “satya hindi”. Print media is too expensive and not manageable in these times and social media licensing is much easier, he added.
 About roadmap of the whole concept, Mr. Addeb informed that  we will be calling panelists to rebut the viscous and false propaganda flouted by the RSS funded media goons through expert panelists- be it legal voices or religious or other such experts. If we are able to be well funded then we will be paying these experts as well.
This media network will be a not for profit organization where people will mostly contribute voluntarily but some will even be provided employment opportunities.
simple criterion for membership will be-
1) Most important- one should be not afraid to speak.
2) A nominal fee of INR 100/ will be charged monthly for the sustenance of the network
 He  hopes to achieve a target of 10k member, which translates to 10 lac  a month, and will mean that we can pay the salaries of the staff and also pay the guest speakers at times.
 He exhorted  people from all walk of life like lawyers, journalists, ex IAS, ex IPS and all others from across the world, to give their opinion and to join if this is successfully launched. Also, he would especially like to appeal to Aligarhians and Jamia Alumni, since they’re spread all across the world, to join hands in this venture.  (www.siyasat.net Is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India based website)


  1. Your idea is very much constructive to save Indian democracy otherwise we will be nowhere. I appreciate your move, definitely you will get support from every corner.

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