Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Tag: dalits

America’s Indian community is being splintered by RSS and BJP

Kaleem kawaja                                          The multireligious...

Ram Puniyani:Freedom of Religion; Indian Scenario

  We need a humane India which not just tolerates but celebrates diversity, which at one time was the core strength of our freedom movement    Ram...

Telugu song praises social distancing as form of untouchability

Nikhat Fatima. Hyderabad: Telugu lyricist Jonnavithula Ramalingeswara Rao penned and sang a song on a TV Channel eulogising Brhaminism. The song caught the notice of...

Democracy or hypocrisy in India?

Democracy is hypocrisy as long as 'Wall' of Shame exists in India Vidya Bhushan Rawat World's two 'biggest' and 'greatest' 'democracies are exhibiting their strength...

India needs anti-Mob Lynching Law and Manipur has enacted one

Dalits, Muslims and Christians are on the target, no action to curb the challenges                   ...

राहुल गांधी पार्टी के लिये मुसीबत बन रहे हैं।  news desk कांग्रेस अध्‍यक्ष राहुल गांधी के साथ उनके दिए अजीबोगरीब बयानों का चोली-दामन का साथ है। कभी वो लोकसभा में खुद को पप्‍पू कहने...

A true champion of civil liberties–Justice Rajinder Sachar (1923-2018)

Manzar Imam Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Justice Rajinder Sachar passed away on Friday, 20 April, 2018. He was 94 and is survived...

Where is India heading for?

India is once again in the grip of violence. After communal flare up in WB, Bihar, now Dalit outrage is on rise. By Abdul hafiz...