Dismantling Global Hindutva conference: ASPAIRE strongly condemns the death threats

Funders of the Hindutva, an international supremacist, facist movement which is operating to “cleanse” India of its tens of millions of religious minorities,” said Dr. Shaik Ubaid, the co-founder of ASPAIRE.
Press release siyasat.net

Newyork: The Alliance to Save and Protect America from Infiltration by Religious Extremists (ASPAIRE.org) strongly condemns the death threats to the speakers and organizers of the Dismantling Global Hindutva on-line conference by the Hindutva supremacist terrorists in the US.

The groups involved in issuing threats are supported the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA), the Coalition of Hindus in North America (CoHNA), and the Hindu American Foundation (HAF).

ASPAIRE has also expressed alarm at the Hindutva supporters who have successfully infiltrated American political system by joining both the Republican and the Democratic parties. Padma Kuppa, a Democratic Michigan State legislator, and Neeraj Antani, a Republican Ohio State Senator have joined the extremists in attacking the democratic right to the free speech and the pro-democracy work of these academics and the organizers of the conference. This 3-day on-line conference ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ is being held from Friday September 10th through Sunday September 12 and will be addressed by professors of South Asia Studies and other fields from 45 American and International universities.

“We are writing to the Secretary of State, the chief of the CIA and the chief of the FBI to investigate the sleeper cells and supporters and funders of the Hindutva, an international supremacist, facist movement which is operating to “cleanse” India of its tens of millions of religious minorities,” said Dr. Shaik Ubaid, the co-founder of ASPAIRE.

“Unlike the Indian immigrants from the 60s to mid 90s, who were mostly secular and pluralist and pro-democracy, a significant ratio of the new arrivals from India now are sympathetic to Hindutva groups. The main group, the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) was founded by three caste supremacist Hindus who met Mussolini and later made Hitler their role model. The Hindutva members were the ones who plotted the murder of Gandhi and have been involved in numerous anti-Muslim and anti-Christian pogroms. To see them infiltrate the US power centers is alarming,” said Masood Rab, the co-founder of ASPAIRE.

ASPAIRE co-founders were speaking in an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks on the US. They renewed the pledge to fight against all forms of militant religious supremacism in the event and called it the best way to honor the memory of the innocent victims of the attack. They pointed out that the intelligence agencies which failed the country in 2001 are again found wanting when it comes to the infiltration by RSS members and supporters

The right wing nationalist ruling party in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, by successfully tying up the Hindu religion, with his militant brand of politics, has managed to win over a sizeable fan base not just in India, but in countries with a sizeable Indian diaspora . A concentrated and focussed national and social media campaign by the BJP to keep the Hindu majority population feel threatened by the minority religious groups, has succeeded on many levels, threatening the very existence of India as a democracy, triggering this much needed discussion by these reputable and internationally renowned universities.

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