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Tag: 2019 election

Opinion: West Bengal Polls: Who has the Midas touch?

Modi certainly does not have a Midas-touch that can turn the electoral tide in favour of BJP in West Bengal assembly elections. Prospects of...

अख्तरुल इमान जीतकर लोकसभा पहुंचते हैं तो वहां मेरी ताकत दोगुनी...

 आरोप लगाया कि जब से नरेंद्र मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बने हैं तब से गरीबों, अल्पसंख्यकों पर अत्याचार के मामले काफी बढ़े हैं     किशनगंज       ...

Bharuch seat: votes may split, benefit goes to BJP 

Congress faces big challenge from BPT and BJP, as  Triangular contest looks on cards By  Abdul hafiz lakhani       Bharuch   Gujarat, Prime Minister...

A Single Vote Can Change the Fate of Nation

The vote must go only for eligible one and the one who is the best among the contestants. By Muaz Muddassir Qasmi - Siyasat.Net With the...

नरेंद्र मोदी जल्द ही पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री बन जाएंगे : असदुद्दीन ओवैसी

 मजेदार बात यह है कि भाजपा ने हैदराबाद से अपना कोई उम्मीदवार नहीं उतारा है।   हैदराबाद :                         ...

Opinion: Why Muslims should support the Congress party?

While there is no denying that the Congress has made many mistakes over the decades, nonetheless it remains the best bet for the nation...

The coming elections will hopefully see that: a vote for change!...

 There is already talk that “this may be the last elections the country will have”. Such doomsday pundits must be proved wrong! General Elections 2019...

Opinion–‘Brand Opposition’ is the only way to defeat NDA government

Unity among Muslims  may affect BJP  prospects in at least 30 of the 80 constituencies in 2019  election    By Abdul hafiz lakhani      Ahmedabad/New Delhi      The...

2019 election–218 Loksabha seats where Muslims have a great influence

BJP has plan to deepen the Shia-Sunni wedge; and create a gender divide in the Muslim community By Abdul hafiz lakhani  Ahmedabad/ New Delhi  Former MP...

2019 Election —-very much in the air news desk الیکشن 2019 کی آہٹ  ڈاکٹر محمد منظور عالم عام انتخابات 2019 کا بگل تقریبا بج چکاہے ،سیاسی پارٹیوں نے تیاریاں شروع کردی ہے ،کانگریس...