Spirituality in its general meaning is the quality or state of being spiritual or being attached to questions and values concerned with religion. It is also frequently used in a non-religious sense to designate a capacity to understand fundamental moral and existential questions regarding the nature of soul.

Spirituality (Ruhhaniyyat) in Islam is defined as the presence of a relationship with Allah that affects the individual’s self-worth, sense of meaning, and connectedness with others. In Islam the quality of spirituality is understood to be a core theme that comprises beliefs (belief in Allah and His prophets, judgment day, etc.), rituals, daily living behaviours and knowledge. Similarly, in following the set of rituals and codes of Islamic religion, an individual is striving to become closer to Allah and to find personal worth and actualization. The essence of spirituality in Islam is the degree of spiritual attainment achieved by any human being by the realization of Tawheed (unity of Allah) as expressed in the Quran and with the aid of the Prophet ﷺ.

In general, the goal of Islamic spirituality is to become adorned by the Divine Qualities through attainment of those virtues which were possessed in their perfection by the Prophet ﷺ and with the aid of methods and the grace which issue from him and the Quranic Revelation. The spiritual life is attained by having the fear of God and obedience to His Will, love of God to which the Quran refers in the verse, He loves them and they love Him (05:54), and knowledge of God which is the ultimate goal of creation. Islamic spirituality is a quality of love, which is always attained by knowledge and based on an obedience already practiced and contained in living according to the Shari’ah law.