Relevance of the Eid al Adha for Muslim Ummah

Muslims need to strive for attaining the highest level of taqwa in their lives. Only upon these conditions, their present condition will change
By Faisal Ahmed khan

Muslims have been ordained to celebrate only two Eid or festivities of joy in a lunar year. While Eid Al Fitr is celebrated to mark the completion of one month of fasting and express gratitude towards creators who bestowed enormous blessings.

Eid al Adha assumes a much greater significance and relevance for Muslims as it revives the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) who was prepared to scarify his most beloved son who was born in his ultimate old age. Allah has tested Prophet Ibrahim for his willingness and preparedness to obey Him without question. Prophet Ibrahim succeeded in his test and Allah has safeguarded his son by replacing a ram in his position.

Further, it has been made obligatory for the next generations to slaughter animals to commemorate the act of Ibrahim PBUH.
The Muslims need to understand the relevance and importance of the Eid al Adha and the ritual of the animal scarifies. As per Quran,” It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah, but what does reach Him is the taqwā (God-fearing) on your part. Thus He has made them (the animals) subjugated to you so that you proclaim Allah’s glory for the guidance He gave you. And give good news to those who are good in their deeds (22:37).

Here, Almighty Allah has emphasized much on the need of taqwa as a prerequisite for the acceptance of the animal sacrifice. Interestingly the same thing is mentioned for the obligation of fast during Ramdhan as Allah mentions in Quran, ‘O you who believe, the fasts have been enjoined upon you as they were enjoined upon those before you, so that you may be God-fearing (2:183).

Muslims need to consider, Taqwa or obedience and total submission to the Will of the almighty Allah as the most important purpose of life to obtain success in this world and the world hereafter. If one acquires the entire wealth of the world and doesn’t possess taqwa, he will be considered as a failure in front of Allah. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also resonated the same message emotionally when he delivered his last sermon on the day of Arfah.

He said, “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by taqwa (piety) and good actions.’’

Muslims need to strive for attaining the highest level of taqwa in their lives. Only upon these conditions, their present condition will change. The loss of honor, dignity, power, and wealth is not significant in comparison to the loss of taqwa.

Companions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have attained the highest level of the taqwa and Allah SWT has bestowed their success and victory in every combat even if they were less in numbers and not very well equipped. Thereafter, the subsequent generations of Muslims carried forward their legacy and realized the importance of taqwa and achieved the zenith of glory and success, and ruled over the entire known world for thousands of years.

The downfall of Muslim Ummah started when the taqwa slipped away from their lives and greed, lust and materialistic desires have taken their place.

Even today, Muslim intellectuals and strategists need to highlight the importance of inculcating and prioritizing taqwa for the Ummah. Acquiring quality education, improving the financial conditions, and strengthening political might are important but not as pivotal as taqwa.

As the achievement of all other things but devoid of taqwa will not be considered as a success. Let’s pray to Allah for granting us the understanding of taqwa and bless us with the highest level of it.

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