Opinion: India is fast moving towards a total “Authoritarian Rule” : Majlise – E- Mushawarat


The trust deficit between the government and the Muslim community has widened significantly, The incidents of violence, mob lynching by cow vigilantes’ groups are on increase in various parts of the country

New Delhi. Siyasat.net

The National Executive of All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawarat (AIMMM), which is considered to be the apex body of Muslims and the only confederation of prominent Muslim organisations of repute, met in New Delhi to deliberate on the current challenges faced by the country and the Muslim community.

After a daylong meeting presided by AIMMM president Mr. Navaid Hamid and attended by Maulana Asghar Ali Imam Mehdi (Ameer Jamiat Ahle Haddes), Engineer Mohammad Saleem (Naib Ameer Jamaat e Islami Hind), Adv. Feroz Ahmed (President All India Momin Conference), Ms. Uzma Naheed, Mr. Mohammad Sulaiman (President Indian National League), Mr. Nusrat Ali (former Vice President Jamaat e Islami Hind), Mr. Sirajuddin Qureshi (President All India Jamiat Quresh), Maulana Abdul Hameed Naumani , Mr. Taj Mohammad and others following resolutions were passed:

The All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawarat (AIMMM) expresses its grave concern over the prevailing political atmosphere in the country and the surge of hyper-nationalism in the name of cultural resurgence.

Unfortunately the whole political discourse of PM Narendra Modi’s government revolves around the majoritarian politics blended in the Hindutva ideology of Sangh parivar, it feels.

The AIMMM notes with great regret that the present government has failed to discharge its constitutional duty to ensure the safety and security of its religious minorities especially the Muslims. The trust deficit between the government and the Muslim community has widened significantly and the AIMMM hopes the government realizes its responsibilities and takes corrective measures.

The incidents of violence, mob lynching by cow vigilantes’ groups are on increase in various parts of the country.The organized violence against Muslims in the states of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in the name of Fund Collection Drive for Ayodhya Mandir reflect the state of lawlessness. “Constitutional Institutions” are losing their identity with each passing day. The country is fast moving towards a total “Authoritarian Rule” .

CAA and NRC laws are discriminatory, and against the basic spirit of our constitution. The AIMMM is deeply anguished over the treatment meted out to the peaceful Anti-CAA protesters’ of Shaheen Bagh and in other parts of the country.

The use of brute force on students of AMU, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University and other institutions is a condemnable act. The AIMMM laud warriors of the Anti CAA movement, which include women, youth, members of the civil society and academicians and lawmakers who stood with conviction against these discriminatory citizenship laws.

AIMMM reiterates that the brutal policies of government would not deter the Muslim community and its youths, the women and the civil society of the country in opposing the the anti-constitutional laws and they would continue their protests whenever it will be necessary and required.

Anti-Muslim North East Delhi Violence

The Country had witnessed with horror the complete failure of the Delhi Police to protect the lives and properties of innocent minorities in North-East Delhi .It is regrettable that a section of law-enforcing authorities did not act swiftly to check the violence. Nearly a dozen of mosques were attacked and seven of them were totally damaged whereas not a single place of worship of other communities was attacked, looted or damaged in any minority concentrated locality during the violence.
The law enforcing authorities instead of arresting perpetrators of violence targeted arrested anti-CAA protestors under draconian laws .It is strange and baffling that no action was initiated against some ruling party functionaries, who allegedly instigated the rioters .Unfortunately the victims of NE Delhi Riots still await the compensation as announced by the government by Arvind Kejriwal Government.

The AIMMM Mushawarat demands immediate rehabilitation of the riots victims. It also expresses gratitude to all groups of civil society particularly Jamiat Ulama Hind, Jamat e Islami Hind, National Hamdard Foundation, Aman Biradari Trust and other individuals, organisations and women groups who had done extensive relief and rehabilitation work in the riot effected areas and are still doing their best to extend all possible help to the victims of the .

Laws Assaulting Religious Freedom

AIMMM expresses its concern and condemns various anti-Conversion Laws passed by the BJP ruled states. These laws show the vindictive policy of the ruling party and is a direct assault on the constitutional rights of an individual to profess faith of choice.

Jammu and Kashmir

The AIMMM expressed its anguish and concern on the handling of Jammu and Kashmir situation by the Modi government. The scrapping of Article 370, the bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, putting several thousand political workers of mainstream parties behind the bars , suspension of communication system with closing of educational institutions and offices for months in both regions of Jammu and Kashmir was not only unprecedented in the history of independent and democratic India but also shows the insensitivity of the government.

The present political and security situation remains the same in the troubled area where common people are subjected to daily frisking by the security forces in major parts of the valley. While the government allowed three groups of foreign diplomats to visit the restive valley in the past one and half years , representatives of political and social groups’ have been denied this right.

It is now time for the Modi government to restore the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir without any delay.

The AIMMM demands that full Statehood be given at the earliest as existed prior to August 5, 2019. The AIMMM is also of the considered opinion that J&K should be given back special provisions conferred to the state under Art. 370 and Art. 35(A)

It is pertinent to mention that special provisions were conferred under article 371(AJ) to various North Eastern states, which safeguard their rights in matters of employment, education and other important matters enjoyed by these states also.

Donation Drive of VHP for Ram temple

The recent Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s “Donation Drive for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya” has again caused sense of fear among minorities.In a number of places during the drive not only provocative slogans were given but, large a scale violence witnessed against the Muslim community In many places the houses of those who had refused to give donations were marked and the exercise has created a sense of anxiety in citizens.

AIMMM expresses its great satisfaction over the restraint and patience exercised by the Muslim community despite trials, tribulations, and provocations And has urges the government to take notice of the provocative divisive drive of the VHP and others in different parts of country.

Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh

The AIMMM feels that Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh governments have failed to discharge their constitutional duty to ensure safety and security of the religious minorities. Mob Lynching incidents have witnessed alarming increase and those involved in these cases remain scott free and even felicitated by the ministers. Muslims are unnecessary targetted under the filmsy ‘Love Jihad’ grounds.

Tablighi Jamaat

All The AIMMM expresses its deep sorrow over the malicious campaign launched against the Tablighi Jamaat by the Ruling party in members and Aam Aadmi Party . Innocent Tablighees were arrested and charged with draconian laws and put behind bars and some of them with some them still languishing in various jails across the country. . .

The AIMMM demands immediate closure of all cases against the members of the Tablighi Jamaat and the release of its members who are still in various jails and also request the government to give the permission for opening of the “Markaz Tablighi Jamaat” office the Basti Hazrat Nizamuddin.i.


AIMMM urges secular parties in Bihar to see the dangers of consolidation of the divisive forces and requests them to work for strengthening the social and secular forces.

It urged the Nitish Kumar government to increase funds for educational upliftment of the minorities.For the smooth functioning of the Kisangani campus of AMU adequate funds need to be allocated and appoint Urdu knowing Inspectors in the Muslim concentrated Police Stations.


Political scenario is different from other states of India. Immigration issue of Bangladeshi Muslims in Assam has become a nucleus of Assam politics since 1983.
Unfortunately some ruling party is polarizing the people on the eve of state assembly elections. The reality is that the political battle is between the forces struggling to save Assamese culture, traditions and those forces who want to assimilate Assamese culture and identity into their brand of divisive polity.

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