Tag: assam
Opinion: India is fast moving towards a total “Authoritarian Rule” :...
The trust deficit between the government and the Muslim community has widened significantly, The incidents of violence, mob lynching by cow vigilantes' groups are...
Donot target Madrasas: They are the greatest NGOs in India
Usha Thakur forgot to do her homework before calling for the shutdown of all state-run madrasas in Madhya Pradesh
Zainb Ashraf from New Delhi
Abdulhafiz Lakhani...
N.R.C. असम, BJP 2019 का चुनाव ‘बांग्लादेशिओं को भारत से निकालो‘‘ के नारे...
इस मुद्दे को लेकर देश भर मे अत्यधिक गैर-जिम्मेदाराना और भड़काऊ टिप्पणियां की जा रही हैं
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