Opinion: Are not these double standards?


Farooq Abdulgafar Bawani  Siyasat.net

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has supported farmers’ agitation in India. He has said in unambiguous terms that every section of society has a right for peaceful opposition and his Government would support such opposition anywhere in the world.
The Indian Government has expressed its displeasure & said that Canadian PM’s comments on the protests are unwarranted & ill-informed and his interference in the internal matter of a democratic country is unacceptable.
Thirty Six (36) British MPs have also submitted a representation to the U.K. Foreign Secretary & requested him to raise concern over the protest here.
The UN Secretary – General’s spokesperson has also said people have a right to protest peacefully & Government must allow him to do so.
In 1971, during Indo-Pak war,the Indian Government had supported Mr. Shekh Mujib. Mujib had some problems with the ruling dispensation of Pakistan. It was none of the business of India to interfere in the internal matters of the Pakistan. It was  purely and explicitly an internal matter of that country. Indian Government had nothing to do with Pakistan. And the rest is history.
The Indian PM Modi has said in Houston (USA) “Ab ki baar, Trump Sarkar”. The election in USA was also an internal matter of that country.
Can we ask the Indian Government whether it is cent percent clean so far as violation of international diplomatic ethics & norms are concerned. Aren’t these double standards ?
Let me quote a proverb “You cannot have a cake and it eat too.
(Author is Rajkot, Gujarat based social activist. Views are personal)