Minority Coordination Committee Supports The Bharat Bandh On 8th December


MCC also demands to withdraw the 3 Pro-Corporate, Anti-Farmer Laws

By Abdulhafiz Lakhani Ahmedabad
Minority Coordination Committee Gujarat (MCC) expresses its complete solidarity with ongoing farmers’ nation-wide protests and endorses the Bharat Bandh on 8th December. The call has come after several rounds of failed negotiation between the protesting farmers in Delhi and the Govt. of India, over the three Farm Acts and the Electricity Bill which together are bound to corporatize farming and makes lives of millions of farmers, especially small and marginal farmers, increasingly precarious.
In a statement, Mr. Mujaheed Nafees, convener of MCC calls upon all sections of our society to stand with the historic struggle of farmers and participate actively in the Bharat Bandh on 8th December.
MCC commits to intensify the struggle, along with other organizations until the core demands of repeal of the 3 Farm Acts, withdrawal of Electricity Amendment Bill and legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price to all crops are met, he added  
 (www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India based website, powered by Gujarat siyasat, a fortnightly)