Opinion:How Much Of A Hypocrite Can One Be?

Syed Firasat Husain  Siyasat.net
A few months ago, a suicide took place and the deceased did not mention any names anywhere before ending his life; Did not leave any suicide note for anyone behind him.
Yet, a certain portion of the society and selected media houses decided that it was a murder and also decided who to punish, conducted all kinds of media trials,  ran campaigns and made sure to assassinate the character and career of the girl whom they decided as the main culprit. They demanded capital punishment or at least life imprisonment for her.
The girl gets arrested, gets harassed by the media mob, is brutally trolled on social media and goes through tremendous pressure and mental torture from all sides of the media and the certain section of the society.
Indian television news anchor Arnab Goswami sits inside a police vehicle after he was produced in a court following his arrest in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020. Indian police on Wednesday said they arrested the Republic TV founder and charged him with abetment to suicide in connection with the 2018 deaths of an interior designer and the designer’s mother.(AP Photo)
But, She remains calm, confident and faces it all with elegance and finally emerges clean and not guilty. And gets ‘Ba Izzat Bari’ from the court.
On the other hand, another case of double suicide which took place 2 years ago but was closed fraudulently by a corrupt police officer gets reopened.
In this suicide case both the deceased mention, the names and the reason for their extreme step and also mention the exact figure (amount) that people owed them and the kind of extreme pressure they were undergoing and also made sure that the officers who would handle the case later get sufficient help to solve the case.
But ironically, the same media houses and the same section of the society now want a completely different solution for this.
All the accused involved in this case get arrested, one of the accused happens to be part of the same media that was very vocal in witch-hunting and wanted the accused girl in the suicide case mentioned earlier to be jailed and through his media trials had tried his very best to convince the public and the police that she is guilty and should be behind the bars.
And now this same person, when he gets arrested, as his name was mentioned by the deceased, at first he :
==>resists arrest,
==>drefuses to cooperate with the police,
==>misbehaves with the officers on duty.
==> abuses and misbehaves with the staff in the police station and in the temporary jail he was put up in
==> cries and yells at the cops and media (apparently his own, as no media was interested to cover his statements) from inside the police vans.
And the hypocrite society wants him to be released even though he is one among those named by the deceased for being the reason for their suicide. An Ex-army veteran meets the President of the country to get the accused out. The president, on the other hand, has enough time to meet this ex-army man and a B Grade ex film actress to discuss this case while he had no time to meet an elected Chief Minister of a state to discuss issues concerning farmers and other very important issues.
The Governor of Maharashtra extends his support, speaks to the Home Minister of Maharashtra and shows concerns towards this accused journalist asking about his health and tells the Home Minister to allow the family and lawyer to meet this accused.
 Whereas another Journalist gets arrested for his activities that involved covering all types of news and being unbiased while covering current affairs and political twists and turns in the country, also for questioning a few eminent political personalities in the interest of the Nation.
He gets no support from anywhere, his family is not allowed to meet him, nor is his lawyer allowed to meet him.
Such is the level of Hypocrisy in our country!
Well!! For now,  3 names mentioned in the suicide note and all 3 of them are undergoing trial. Let us hope the victim gets justice and the crooks if proven guilty, face punishment of the highest level and no influence should influence this case. (The writer is an activist based in Hyderabad. Views are personal)
(www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad,Gujarat, India based website, powered by Gujarat siyasat fortnightly)