Private school teachers face the brunt amid Corona Pendemic in India



The spread and the fear of infection, of the novel coronavirus has shut down  all educational institutions, all over the country. Education face the tough situation. But more bitter reality is that private School teachers face the the most of the pressure.
Syed Samiullah Hussaini
Schools are the places where future of a nation is being shaped and the task of transformation for adjustable personalities as per the ideal needs and requirements of society is done under the loving and caring guidance and supervision of teachers.
Schools are like gardens of knowledge, wisdom and positivity and  teachers are the gardeners who burn their blood for the promotion of learning and nourishment of tiny-tots.
In our country we have  different types of schools like International, corporate-aided,semi-aided,low budget private/community schools along with different types of government schools run and managed by various agencies and boards like CBSE,ICSE,IGCSE and state boards etc.
Covid-19 Pandemic effected all the walks of life along with education sector especially the low budget private schools sector is most effected in order to financial sustainability and future survival because these institutions work for Community and fullfill the educational thrust of poor and downtrodden sections of society with a very low and affordable fee structure and these schools collect fee in multiple installments from parents.
Since last week of March 2020 Schools are under complete lockdown and following the regulations issued by the government time to time.
No or very less collection of fees is recorded by the school managements because of which schools are unable to pay salaries to their teachers hence private school teachers are worstly effected during this time of Corona-Crisis.
Private school teachers are already a least paid cadre and most of them are ladies who contribute financially to their families and monthly salary is the only source for them to full fill the necessities of life.
These teachers have also no proper platform to discuss and raise their issues before the society and the government .They are the great sufferers and patiently going through with these tough times.
These gurus are all time achievers,they achieve learning outcomes with empty pockets with smiling faces .They get nothing additional other than monthly salary but they give the lessons of motivation, commitment and hardwork to their students .They want to see their students on the horizon of success and they perform their best for all round development of the children.
School managements, government and society shall salute and respect these teachers for their tireless services and matchless commitment round the clock through out the year.
Many of these highly qualified, experienced and talented teachers are fastly  moving towards odd jobs for bread and butter and they may not make a come back to the teaching profession and it could be a great loss of teachers fraternity and whole society,if a teacher turns to a labourer.
 What can we do for these noble personalities?
1.Parents are also suffering from financial -problems but a good percentage among them is well to do and also availed the scholarship/s issued by the government to their kids, they can pay the due fees but not paying this small amount and developed an attitude of ‘go with flow’.School management can help the teachers if parents pay the fees on time.
2. Newly establish and very low budget private schools are facing great difficulties but in this sector some financially sound managements are also exist and they are in this field since decades
and it’s noted that they are quite silent on the issues of teachers .They can take this opportunity as a welfare gesture on the grounds of philanthrophic activity .No doubt some school owners can be treated as a gems-corrospondants who stand with their staff and help them in multiple ways at this time of adversity and they deserve sincere appreciation.
3.Govt shall come up with a rescue plan for community schools and teachers .These teachers shall at least get the minimum allowances for their medical care,fee reimbursement of their kids along with contributory pension fecilities ( all central and state govt teachers are entitled for these benefits) so that they could also feel secure in this phase of rocket-skying inflation.
4.Govt must allocate a certain amount for community schools and teachers in pandemic relief fund keeping in view of fee structure of budget private schools.
5.No nation can go above the level of it’s teachers and not helping the teachers is a criminal negligence which may spoil the nature and future of coming generations.
Society and parents shall come up to help out the teachers in need to save the future indeed.
Corporate sector Institutions have their other stories and there is no financial crunch because the parents belongs to these schools are highly educated and financially rich so they have no or minimum worries but low budget schools and low income parent groups have serious problems .These small schools are helping the government by ensuring the universalistion of quality education for all.
All the stake holders responsible for spread of education shall think seriously about this important organised sector which is being treated with no attention as an unorganized one.If these schools will shut their doors then lakhs of students will be drop-out and government schools may not be in a position to accommodate them in a standard way and students future may fall in dark.
Together we can do something to save these institutions, for the school leaders and teachers it can be said that:-
Woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep …before I sleep”.
(Writer is teacher at MANNU Model School at Hyderabad)