IMPAR filed legal notice against Amish Devgan



     New Delhi.
IMPAR has filed a legal notice against the News Anchor Amish Devgan for making highly offensive, derogatory, and defamatory remarks against revered Sufi Saint Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. It has also filed a Public Interest Litigation before the Allahabad High Court in view of the sting operation of Dr. Lalchandani, Kanpur’s Medical College Head as a communally-laced medical professional. 
Devgan made slanderous ramarks against the celebrated Sufi Saint which has been aired on national television on a show ‘Aar-Par’, telecasted on News 18 Hindi on 15 June 2020.  He deliberately made a comment that Aakranta Chistiyaaya, Lootera Chishtiyaaya, uske baad dharm badle, the English translation of the statement is that terrorist Chishti came, Dacoit Chishti came, and after that people converted religion. He has demeaned the Saint and made false allegations on him, making an impression that people accepted Islam due to the terror. Also note that it is not the first time the news anchor has stooped down to such drivel journalism.
On the other hand, Dr.Arti’s case garnered public attention after a video clipping of hers inciting hate against Tablighi Jamaat by referring them as terrorists and to be punished in solitary confinement.  In her purported remarks, she had also accused the Yogi Adityanath government of pursuing “appeasement” policy by providing Jamaat members free treatment for Covid-19 in government hospitals.
Both the statements suffice communal hatred and spoil nation’s plural fabric. They contribute to disturb the communal harmony of a beautifully diversified nation. IMPAR condemns such venomous acts and stands against hate speech. Among other prayers, it has put stress on issuance of guidelines to Medical Council of India to frame specifically to check into the menace of religious bigotry in medical professionals.