Italy fans turn their backs during Israel national anthem before Nations League match in Hungary


Italy fans turn their backs during Israel national anthem before Nations League match in Hungary.

The supporters of Italy also waved an Italian flag bearing the word “Liberta” (Freedom). Other banners shown by the “ultra” fans had black slashes on them.

Before a Nations League game in neutral Hungary, a group of perhaps fifty Italy supporters wearing all black turned their backs in apparent protest during Israel’s national song.

Before a Nations League game in neutral Hungary, a group of perhaps fifty Italy supporters wearing all black turned their backs in apparent protest during Israel’s national song.

Israel’s home games have been shifted to Hungary due to the Hamas war.

Hungary Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has long positioned Hungary as the safest nation in Europe for Jews, and he maintains tight connections with Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. Because he believes they endanger public safety, Orbán has outlawed demonstrations in support of Palestinian solidarity.

According to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, during the first half, a section of Italy supporters who had turned their backs during the national anthem also yelled anti-fascist campaigner Ilaria Salis. Salis faced accusations for allegedly attacking far-right protestors, but he was eventually released from house detention in Budapest in June.

Salis was freed following his election to the Italian Green and Left Alliance’s European Parliament seat.

Following the release of photos showing Salis chained and shackled in a Hungarian courtroom during her trial, the woman became a contentious political topic in Italy.

Bozsik Arena in Budapest hosted the Israel-Italy match, while Debrecen, Hungary hosted Belgium’s 3-1 victory against Israel on Friday. Belgium’s game on Friday was a home game, but for security considerations, the Belgian soccer association stated in July that “no local authority in Belgium considers it possible” to hold a match against Israel.

October 14 will see Italy meet Israel at Udine; however, the local council has not approved the event, and a pro-Palestinian