One year after the launch of Chandrayaan-3, everything that India’s great mission accomplished.


One year after the launch of Chandrayaan-3, everything that India’s great mission accomplished. India’s historic Chandrayaan-3 mission launch, which took place one year ago on July 14, is a significant occasion that elevated the country to the ranks of select nations capable of gentle landings on the Moon.

Setting the groundwork for a string of incredible accomplishments, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched the mission on July 14, 2023, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.

The precise and creative voyage made by Chandrayaan-3 to the south polar region of the Moon was noteworthy.


On August 5, 2023, following a month-long journey, the spacecraft reached lunar orbit. The highlight of the mission occurred on August 23, when India became the first nation to accomplish a soft landing on the Moon, and the fourth overall, when the Vikram lander landed close to the lunar south pole.

The Pragyan rover was launched and set off to explore the lunar surface once the landing was successful. Pragyan traveled about 100 meters over the course of the following two weeks, carrying out a number of tests and transmitting important data back to Earth.

Sulfur and other elements have been found in the lunar soil, among other important discoveries made by the rover that shed light on the makeup of the Moon.

The confirmation of the existence of water molecules on the lunar surface was one of the mission’s most important findings. Significant ramifications flow from this discovery for both possible human settlements on the Moon and future lunar exploration. The information gathered by Chandrayaan-3 has additionally enhanced our comprehension of the Moon’s geological past and the mechanisms that sculpted its northern and southern regions.


The mission was a huge success even outside of its scientific goals. An estimated 70 million people viewed Chandrayaan-3 live in India alone, sparking the interest of millions more people worldwide.

A new generation of scientists and engineers has been influenced by the mission, which has increased interest in STEM fields and space exploration nationwide.

In addition to advancing our understanding of the Moon, Chandrayaan-3 has shown how India’s space exploration capabilities are developing. The foundation for upcoming lunar and interplanetary expeditions has been established by this mission.

Plans are already in place for next missions, such as possible sample return flights and additional research into the lunar south pole, as India commemorates this historic achievement.

The accomplishment of Chandrayaan-3 has established India as a major participant in the international space community, providing opportunities for cross-border cooperation and solidifying its influence over the direction of space exploration.

India’s scientific prowess and dedication to pushing the frontiers of space research are validated by the Chandrayaan-3 project. In our continuous effort to comprehend the universe, the mission continues to inspire and open doors for new discoveries as we look back on the accomplishments of the previous year.