Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL Injury)


An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is a damage to the ACL in your knee. One of the ligaments in your knee is the ACL. It joins the tibia, your shin bone, to the femur, your thigh bone. Each knee has one ACL that you have.

Together with your posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), it creates a “X” shape inside your knee. Nearer the front of your knee is the ACL. The rear of your knee is nearer the PCL.

Your ACL functions as a strap to hold your bones together and stop your knee from bending or rotating excessively. Your ACL may be injured or torn by anything that exerts enough force on your knee to cause it to bend or twist beyond its natural limit.

ACL tears are a frequent injury, particularly in sports. If you have knee pain, see a doctor, especially if it began as a result of an injury or physical activity.

ACL injury types

ACL tears and injuries are typically graded by medical professionals. You can quickly determine the severity of your injury with these grades. One is the least severe ACL injury grade, and three is the most severe:

  • Grade 1: Your ACL is still intact and keeps your knee bones together, but it was sufficiently stretched by the injury to cause damage.
  • Grade 2: Your ACL was partially torn and loosened as a result of the injury stretching it so much.
  • Grade 3: A total rupture resulting in your ACL being in two halves.Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL Injury)

How does a tear to the ACL feel?

When they tear their ACL, most people are aware of it. ACL tears caused by sports injuries and other traumas are typically noticeable enough to pinpoint the exact moment they occur.

Individuals who suffer from an ACL tear typically hear or feel a pop in their knee. It feels like your knee is going to give out. Although ACL tears can cause excruciating pain, some people only experience mild discomfort. If you think you may have injured your knee, see a doctor, especially if you felt or heard a popping sound.

How often do ACL injuries occur?

ACL rips and injuries are fairly common. The most often injured knee ligament is the ACL. An ACL tear occurs in the United States in between 100,000 and 200,000 cases annually, according to experts.

Signs and Origins

What signs indicate an ACL tear?

Among the most typical signs of an ACL tear are:

  • Getting a pop in your knee sensation or sound.
  • Growing.
  • Ache, particularly when attempting to bear weight on the knee.
  • Weakness or a sensation of your knee giving out.
  • Reducing the amount of movement in your knee range of motion.

Why do ACL tears occur?

An ACL tear can result from anything that overstretches your knee. When your knee bends or twists more than it should, an ACL tear occurs.

ACL tears are most frequently caused by the following:

  • Injuries sustained in sports.
  • Vehicle collisions.
  • Falls.

Diagnoses and Examinations

How do ACL tears get identified?

A physical examination and certain tests are used by a medical professional to diagnose an ACL tear. They will examine your knee and question you about your symptoms. Inform your healthcare provider of your activities just prior to suffering a knee injury and the onset of your symptoms.

Your knee and leg may be used in various motions by your healthcare provider. You may feel uneasy taking these tests. Inform your healthcare provider if any posture, movement, or position aggravates your symptoms.

It’s likely that you will require one or more imaging tests, such as:

  • Radiography.
  • A CT (computerized tomography) scan.
  • MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging.