On National Technology Day, a tech expo at ITM SLS Baroda University encourages a rise of startups.


On National Technology Day, a tech expo at ITM SLS Baroda University encourages a rise of startups. ITM SLS Baroda University celebrated National Technology Day by illuminating the spirit of innovation with an astounding display of imaginative ideas covering a variety of subjects.

In this impressive display of inventiveness, more than 80 teams representing a variety of fields took part, including computer science, chemical engineering, auto-mechanical engineering, chemistry, pharmacy, and the sciences.

The students’ commitment to solving problems in the real world was evident in the projects they submitted, which were nothing short of extraordinary. Briquettes made from coconut shells, roads made of plastic waste, a biogas plant powered by biomass, a folding electric bike for environmentally friendly transportation, a robotic mop cleaner for effective housework, and Chatify, an Indian messaging app customized for regional requirements, were a few of the noteworthy inventions.

Additionally, the event demonstrated the breadth of innovation and societal influence with innovative solutions like an oral film developed to reduce serotonin anxiety condition, a dermal lotion created from orange peel extracts, and an LPG gas leak detector.

Acknowledging the outstanding projects on exhibit, ITM SLS Baroda University declared that it will provide seed cash and possibilities for incubation at its Startup Incubation Center to a limited number of creative endeavors. The goal of this program is to support bright ideas by giving them the tools and guidance they need to become profitable endeavors.

Vice-President of ITM SLS Baroda University Mr. Ravindra Singh Rathore said, “Our students and faculty members’ enthusiasm and creativity are truly inspiring.” He went on to explain that “We believe that by investing in these innovative Solutions, we can catalyse positive change and contribute to the socioeconomic development of our nation.”

In the university’s efforts to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, the opening of the Incubation and Startup Center represents a critical turning point. The mission of ITM SLS Baroda University is to enable the following generation of visionary leaders and innovators by cooperative efforts and a supportive ecosystem.

The innovative spirit and impactful projects on display were praised by distinguished guests, including Mr. Maulik Bhansali, CEO of Netweb Software Tie Vadodara and NASSCOM EC Member; Dr. Nirmit Jha, MD and CEO of Principia Transformatica; and Mr. Naresh Kumar Gaur, Senior Vice President of Amneal Pharmaceuticals Limited. The event also highlighted the importance of ITM SLS Baroda University in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. While Dr. Jha praised the projects’ demonstration of the junction of technology and societal impact, Mr. Bhansali voiced his trust in the youth’s potential.

Mr. Gaur emphasized the value of programs like the Incubation and Startup Center in promoting innovation for the advancement of the country. Furthermore, ITM SLS Baroda University President Mrs. Kanupriya Singh emphasized the school’s dedication to fostering an innovative culture and enabling the following generation of leaders and entrepreneurs.