Hyderabad Based NGO Comes Forward To Help Families To Shift Covid -19 Bodies To Graveyard


Nikhat Fatima,  Siyasat.net

 Hyderabad: With each passing day the number of deaths due to COVID-19 is increasing and there is shortage of vehicles to take the dead bodies to the graveyards. This came to light when a family had to take the dead body of their loved one in an auto rickshaw in Nizamabad, a district in Telangana State due to shortage of ambulances.
Khalida Parveen, CEO of Amoomat Society, an activist who has always been at the forefront to service humanity, mobilized funds from generous donors to provide a vehicle to help families of people who die with COVID and find it difficult to carry the body to the graveyard. Looking at the way the hospitals’ inability to carry the bodies of the deceased, she came upon this idea.
The vehicle was inaugurated on 17th July, Friday at 2 pm by Mr. Rashad City president of Jamat Islami Hind and many other dignitaries.
 vehicle will carry the bodies of all patients who die due to covid irrespective to their religion to the shamshanghat or Khabristan where the family wants to perform the last rites. Accompanying them will of course be police personnel and few family members.
Jalaluddin Zafar, President of Youth welfare group, who has been providing free service to transfer the bodies to the graveyard and also help the family to perform the  last rites, remarked that this was much needed as there are not enough ambulances and people have to wait for a long time.
Zafar has been helping in the burials of dead people when their own families are abandoning their dead out of fear. He and his team wearing PPE kits and equipped with sanitizers , masks, shields have taken up this work and so far have helped both Hindu and Muslim families by arranging and paying for the ambulances. Arranging ambulances is a pressing issue he said and this free vehicle provided by Amoomat society is God send, he said.
“This is a small initiative from Amoomat Society, I request other organisations to also come forward and do their bit to help people deal with the shortage of ambulances and provide support. In these hard times we should help each other,” said Khalida Parveen.
 She also said that the service to carry the bodies from the hospital to the graveyard is 24 x 7 for residents of the twin cities of Hyderabad- Secunderabad. She also said that it was her son Md.Farooq Ahmed and his friends who put in major efforts to help her launch this initiative to serve humanity.
She released two contact numbers where people needing this service can contact: #9030819775; #7680037677
Other who attended this inaugural program were sub inspector of police, Langar Houz, National  secretary Welfare Party of India, Officials of various NGOs and social activists.
(www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India based website)