Ayodhya-Babri case: Gujarat Milli Council Appeals for Peace and Communal harmony


fabric of communal bonhomie and Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb should not be allowed to be damaged  

Ahmedabad         siyasat.net 

Close on the heels of impending verdict for Babri Masjid–Ayodhya dispute by Supreme Court in coming  days, All India Milli Council, Gujarat Chapter has appealed to maintain peace, communal harmony, brotherhood and law and order in the country including Gandhji’s Gujarat-Apostle of peace. The Ayodhya verdict is set to come out any time before November 17, the retirement day of Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi.    

In a statement, GMC(Gujarat Milli Council) President Mufti Rizwan Tarapuri said that organisation wants the government to ensure that law and order situation remains under control and appealed to all citizens to cooperate with the authorities and desist from falling prey to provocation and emotional appeals to violence. He exhorted  to maintain peace and harmony at all cost after the verdict in the sensitive  Ayodhya case.

 He vowed to respect the apex court’s verdict and maintain brotherhood and harmony in the country.  Whatever the Supreme Court says, it has to be respected. There should be no celebration or any public opposition. Nothing should be said to hurt the sentiments of any other community. We have to maintain peace at all costs, he added in statement

Abdul hafiz lakhani,  general secretary of  Gujarat Milli Council,said that the  fabric of communal bonhomie and Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb should not be allowed to be damaged,”Whatever be the verdict, everyone should accept it with an open mind. After the judgement, it is everyone’s responsibility that the atmosphere of the country should remain cordial.” he further added.He said that Muslims have full trust  on Constitution and Supreme court. the Muslim community has kept its trust in judiciary in over the years and they still stand by the same faith and confidence. 

Joint  statement appealed to all countrymen to face the situation with patience and endurance and avoid any kind of provocation and incitement and also stick to peace and optimism whatever be the circumstances.