Laval University


Situated in Quebec City, Laval institution, also known as Université Laval, is a public research institution in Canada. One of the oldest colleges in North America, it was founded in 1663 by royal charter from King Louis XIV of France, and it was the first institution of higher learning in Canada.


The first Bishop of New France, François de Montmorency-Laval, is credited with founding Laval University, which has a long and illustrious past. The university has made a substantial contribution to the growth of French-speaking culture and education in North America.


Laval University’s main campus is located in a gorgeous environment on the outskirts of Quebec City. The campus is renowned for both its contemporary amenities and old architecture.

Academic Programmes

Laval University provides a broad selection of undergraduate and graduate courses in the social sciences, sciences, engineering, business, medicine, and law, among other fields of study. It is well known for its contributions to numerous disciplines of research.

Research Excellence

Laval University has received recognition for its contributions to a wide range of academic fields. The institution actively pursues cutting-edge research, and both its staff and students help to enhance the humanities, sciences, and technology.

Instructional Language

Although the institution is situated in an area where French is the primary language spoken there, it does offer several programmes in English. Still, most of the classes are taught in French.

Student Life

With a wide range of clubs, organisations, and activities, the institution offers a lively and energetic student life. Sports facilities, cultural events, and other facilities are available to students.

Medical School

The Faculty of Medicine at Laval University is renowned for its superior medical instruction and research. The medical school generates competent medical professionals and makes a substantial contribution to healthcare breakthroughs.

Language Support

Laval University offers language support services, like as language courses and resources, to students whose first language is not French. These services are intended to help the students thrive academically and integrate into the Francophone community.

Arts & Culture

Laval University’s engagement in the arts adds to Quebec City’s cultural life. The university and the city’s cultural landscapes are enhanced by the campus’s hosting of exhibitions, plays, and other cultural events.