What physiological effects might olive oil have on you on a daily basis?


What physiological effects might olive oil have on you on a daily basis? What transpires with your body when you Known as “liquid gold,” olive oil is a mainstay of Mediterranean cooking and a sign of excellent health.

What physiological effects might olive oil have on you on a daily basis?

Beyond just making your food taste better, using olive oil on a regular basis can have a significant positive effect on your general health.

We’ve all started eating more fatty foods because the holiday season is looming huge over us. We’re all consuming a lot more meals high in oil than usual, whether we’re celebrating Diwali at home or at a friend’s house, as the North Indians call it.

Is it wise to replace your regular oils and ghee with olive oil and eat it every day in this kind of situation?

The general practitioner at Yashoda Hospitals, Dr. Sri Karan Uddesh Tanugula, clarified that olive oil is high in polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). The first group consists of antioxidants, which lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses.

By lowering LDL cholesterol levels, or bad cholesterol levels, MUFA lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease development.

Dr. Somnath Gupta, a diabetologist and consulting physician at Yashoda Hospitals, agreed and added that it lowers the risk of heart disease.

What are the advantages of using olive oil on a daily basis, particularly during the holiday season?

  • Olive oil gives your food a deep, distinctive flavor that makes holiday dinners more enjoyable.
  • Antioxidants and vitamin E, two important minerals found in olive oil, can improve the nutritious content of your food.
  • When rich and decadent foods are frequently consumed, cooking with olive oil can be a healthier choice that supports cardiovascular health.
  • The antioxidants in olive oil may help prevent oxidative stress, which can be brought on by overindulging in calorie-dense, opulent foods during celebrations.
  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of olive oil may facilitate digestion and ease digestive problems.
  • Because olive oil promotes satiety, replacing saturated fats with it can help with weight maintenance even if it is high in calories.

Does consuming it every day have any disadvantages?

Dr. Tanugula suggests a balanced diet and three to four tablespoons of olive oil daily. “As olive oil is basically a fat, consuming more than the necessary amounts would result in an excess of calories being consumed.”

Because some people may be allergic to or sensitive to olive oil, it’s important to keep an eye out for negative reactions.

According to Dr. Gupta, the quality of olive oil has a significant impact on its health advantages. “The best olive oil is extra virgin olive oil; inferior oils might not have the same benefits.”

“Due to the high fat content, people with certain medical conditions, like pancreatitis or gallbladder problems, should moderate their intake,” Dr. Gupta advised.